

Living on the Mid North Coast students of MacKillop College are fortunate to be exposed to an extensive array of sports catering for all skill levels.

Our students are offered representative sporting opportunities through our pathway, including MacKillop College, Diocese of Lismore, NSW Combined Catholic Colleges, NSW All Schools competitions and National selection. We have had great success in students being nominated locally for Hastings Sports Awards and representing NSWCCC in various fields.

We offer students the opportunity to participate in a chosen weekly sport elective program for Year 9 and 10 catering for their needs and interest.

We offer students a balanced approach to academics and elite level sporting prowess.

For any sporting enquiries you can contact our Leader of Sport Erin Denham at


If your child registers for a Representative sport at any level (School, Diocesan, NSWCCC) and can no longer attend can you please notify the relevant person so our attendance records are accurate.

How to register for a MacKillop College Sport Team

To register to trial for a MacKillop College sport team follow the steps below.

  1. Log into the school Moodle page.
  2. Click on the student links tab on the left hand side
  3. Click on the Representative Sports registrations link.
  4. Click on the relevant sport and fill out the google form.
  5. Listen to notices and check your emails for relevant trial information.

NSWCCC Sport Registrations for Pathway Sports

Registrations are via the portal.

For instructions on how to register go to – Guide For Parents – Sport Registrations >>

For further information, go to the CSNSW Sport Website Sport pages.

YEAR 7 and 8

Year 7 and 8 students participate in a range of compulsory activities aimed at developing specific skills such as racquet sports, gymnastics, surf awareness and modified games to develop skills in team sports.  All students should have a sound basic knowledge on which they can specialise in the future years. All Year 7 students participate in the still water Swim and Survive course in accordance with NSW Royal Life Saving.


YEAR 9 and 10

Year 9 and 10 students participate in a broad range of elective sport choices catering for the needs and interests of individual students.  The main aim is physical activity within a sport of interest to the student.  Students usually have developed an area of interest/expertise in which they can improve.  All Year 9 students participate in the Surf Survival Certificate run in conjunction with their PDHPE course and assisted by NSW Surf Life Saving staff. 
