Term 2, Week 4, 20 May
Principal's Update
Indigenous student and families BBQ Breakfast
I was delighted during Week 3 to be able to welcome our Aborginal students and families to a BBQ Breakfast at our new Yarning Circle. It was also the first time many parents and families were able to meet our Indigenous Education Workers, Tristram and Belinda. Tristram has been at the College since January 2022, however COVID-19 restrictions had prevented a meet and greet opportunity. Belinda has only just joined the College and is excited to be working with Tristram and our Indigenous students. Tristram, Belinda and students have been busy planting ‘bush tucker’ trees and shrubs around the yarning circle and erecting the totem poles students have been creating in recent months.
Next week the College will share a Mass together in recognition of National Sorry Day. School leadership and students will also be meeting during this time to discuss ways we can make MacKillop College a more culturally diverse and accepting community, in line with the Student Leadership goal for 2023 of #weACCEPTall.
Farewell Mrs Tejcek
Yesterday the College farewelled one of our much loved teachers Penny Tejcek from her role as Textiles and Food Technology Teacher. Penny commenced in a job share role at MacKillop in 2013 and has continued at the College since this time, in between some time off to have her three beautiful children; Jarrah, Archie and Daisy.
Penny was an integral part of the development of the College Food Garden and for a while did regular Yoga classes for a Year 12 cohort.
We wish Penny well and look forward to seeing her at the College in a casual teaching capacity in the future.
Student Success
During the past week I have had the pleasure of getting around a number of classes and extracurricular activities to witness the amazing talents and effort of MacKillop students and the passionate commitment of their teachers and support staff. On Tuesday I had the opportunity to watch a small part of our Open Boy’s Rugby League winning game to qualify them for the next level, and then continued on to watch some of the teamwork and problem-solving skills of our Da Vinci Decathlon teams. Congratulations to our Year 11 team who won their division against other schools in our region to qualify to go on to the State Finals. I also received the list of students who will be a part of the newly formed Creative NEST’s musical production ‘Aladdin Jnr'.
Staff Professional Learning Day - Student Free
For your awareness, the Staff Professional Learning day that was scheduled for next Friday, 27 May has now been moved to Friday, 10 June (Week 7).
School Staff Industrial Action - Strike Friday 27 May
In relation to the School Staff Strike proposed for Friday, 27 May the College is awaiting further correspondence. Once received I will communicate to parents if the planned Professional Learning Day will proceed or need to be rescheduled, or if supervision will be available for students. I thank parents for your understanding.
Student Work Experience Opportunities
Whilst traditional Work Experience for whole cohorts no longer exists in schools there are, at times, students who I recognise would really benefit from such an opportunity. If you own a local business, or are a tradesmen, who could offer a student 4-5 days work experience could you please contact me at cath.eichmann@lism.catholic.edu.au
Vaping - Camera installation
I wanted to inform parents that an added security measure to prevent vandalism and vaping at the College is currently being put in place. Security and surveillance cameras are being installed at major entry points to the College and outside bathrooms to monitor visitor and student movement. Whilst it is disappointing to have to implement this measure, increased weekend vandalism as well as higher rates of damage to the College bathrooms during the school day and high incidence of student vaping has led to this decision. Video footage will only be accessible internally at the College and only by members of leadership, or police if required. Whilst I have little doubt both the vandalism and vaping involves a very small percentage of students it is not something staff, students or parents wish to have continue as part of the MacKillop College culture.
Child Protection and Mandatory Reporting
Please find below the link to the Diocese of Lismore Catholic Schools Office Child Protection Policy. Page 15 onwards outlines the child protection processes, including mandatory reporting and the process for reporting and responding to allegations of reportable conduct required from schools.
Mandatory Reporters NSW Mandatory Reporter Guide – is intended to assist mandatory reporters who have become concerned about possible abuse or neglect of a child/young person and must make a decision whether or not to report their concerns.
The Mandatory Reporter Guide can be accessed at the following address: www.keepthemsafe.nsw.gov.au
Cath Eichmann
Parish News
Subject and Elective Statements
Parents have been receiving their MacKillop statements via email each month and are requested to make payment as soon as possible. Regular payments are gladly accepted.
As of this term, all excursions and representative sports will be billed to family accounts on the day of the event – prepayment is no longer required. Therefore, the emailing of statements will occur fortnightly, to keep everyone informed of changes to the account as they occur.
Year 9 and 10 students will be selecting Term 3 sport choices towards the end of term and will be unable to choose a sport with a fee attached if there are overdue fees, unless a regular payment plan has been established and maintained.
If at any time you need to discuss your account confidentially, please contact me at the College.
Jenny Hunt
Finance Manager
ph: 6583 2632 select Option 4
Year 7
These pictures of Year 7 during Term 1 captures the joy and sense of community when together, and it is this sense of belonging and feeling valued that we at MacKillop want to nurture and sustain so our young people may thrive.
Last week every student completed an anti bullying survey to use their voice so staff can have real data to identify any bullying behaviours at our school, address areas of concern and secure a culture of respect and kindness. I will speak about the survey results in upcoming newsletters.
Another challenge for our students and families impacting their sense of feeling valued and safe is online behaviour outside of school. Please click on the link and listen to an episode of the podcast series Happy Families The Devious Device: A Conversation with Kirra Pendergast, which explores a range of cyber safety topics that are an absolute must-listen for all educators and parents that will assist you in conversations around: airdropping & cyber flashing; checking their privacy settings; what not to do when a child reports an incident; talking to your kids proactively; turning devices off; sextortion (combination of sexual & extortion) and checking in regularly with your kids and their social accounts.
A sense of belonging is crucial to our life satisfaction, happiness, mental and physical health and even longevity. It gives us a sense of purpose and meaning. Research shows that loss of belonging has been associated with stress, illness and decreased wellbeing and depression. Without a sense of belonging, it’s easy to feel lost and alone. Which is a pretty scary place to be at school, especially when you are 12 or13.
Thus, the theme of our Year 7 Mass and Reflection day next Tuesday, 24 May is BELONGING.
This is a compulsory school day focused on connecting and building a sense of community: with each other as a PC, as a year group and as a community of faith that we walk with God.
Our day begins with Mass at St Agnes Church. We would love for parents and family members to join us at the church at 9.30am-10.30am and share morning tea afterwards.
In preparation for Mass, every Year 7 student has prepared a Triquetra symbol.
Triquetra is a symbol composed of three interlaced arcs. The line is unbroken and never-ending and is said to represent many things, such as unity, protection, and everlasting life. Like many knots, it can be seen as a symbol of strength. In the Christian faith, the three points of the Trinity knot represent the Holy Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Each Year 7s triquetra represents their personal connection to family, friends and staff at school to whom they feel connected. These will be displayed at our Mass and then back at school in their PC room.
After Mass in PC groups, students will participate in activities focused on exploring our themes of belonging and kindness in collaboration with each other and our Church.
We are very much looking forward to this compulsory school day.
Please note:
- students will travel to and from school as usual. We travel by bus as a school to St Agnes' Church for Mass and the day’s activities;
- students will need to wear their full school sports uniform; and
- students are required to bring their own lunch/snacks and water bottle. There will be no access to the canteen or shops.
Congratulations to the following students who have received a Leader of Pastoral Care Award: Oliver Bryant, Ayla Cross, Olivia Gridley, Jack Hartley, Amber McIlroy, Angelina Mifsud-Scriven, Zoe Mizzi, Isabelle Reed and Daniel Zhong.
Nicole O’Connell
Year 7 Leader of Pastoral Care
Year 8
Well Done
It's great to see so many smiles, showing how happy students were with their efforts in achieving success in their latest Science topic test. They did such a great job, that they were awarded with a Merit Certificate and a medal! Well done on the hard work and effort everyone.
Congratulations to the following students who have who have received a Leader of Pastoral Care Award: Daisy Duncan (x2), Jaesan Edmund and Catalina Toth.
Greg Finney
Year 8 Leader of Pastoral Care
Duke of Edinburgh - Silver
Last week, the Year 10 Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award candidates went on their 3 day practise expedition. After numerous meetings to plan their equipment, meals and hiking routes, we headed off to tackle numerous trails between Port Macquarie and Diamond Head (averaging 7 active hours per day).
While we experienced some rain on the second night which interfered with our campfire session, students rose up to meet a variety of challenges and activities as a team. Thankyou very much to Courtney Charge for coming along to assist.
Robert Mahon
Duke of Edinburgh Coordinator/Science Teacher
Year 11
Extended PC last week
Year 11 students have been working hard again this term, with many students adjusting to the demands of senior schooling. Many have identified their most effective method of studying, trialling new techniques and working out what works best for them.
In an attempt to support our students further, and provide opportunities for them to experience new and varied study techniques and methods, all PC classes worked through a PowerPoint titled 'Study Skills. By identifying your Learning Style, you can study smarter' last week during Extended PC. The activity encouraged students to fill in a survey which helped them to identify the type of learner they are. From their results students were able to try different study techniques which were best suited to their style of learning.
Trial and error are often the best way of determining what will work best for students. The JMC and Study Centre offer plenty of support for students either during their study periods, lunchtimes or Homework Club. Appointments can also be made with Mrs Porter or Mrs Magnusson who can sit down with your young person and help them with study timetables, organisational skills or study notes. Please do not hesitate to contact me if your young person would like some extra assistance.
PC Dodgeball Update
We have started our lunchtime PC Dodgeball this term. Teams play each other every Friday during Lunch 1. There has been fierce competition on the court with lots of laughing, screaming and fun.
The Score Update so far is:
PC 8 (Alexa Harvey) is in the lead after two rounds on 6 points
PC 2 (Kelly Higham) - 4 points
PC 5 (James Westman) - 4 points
PC 7 (Anne-Marie Stacey) - 4 points
PC 17 (Tenille Gardner) - 4 points
PC 13 (Clare Hayes/Lisa Wilton) - 2 points
Year 11 Hospitality
This term, Year 11 Hospitality students began the work placement program in the St Agnes Food Services Production Kitchen. This is a mandatory part of the Hospitality course where students experience working in the hospitality industry and are able to practice skills working alongside qualified chefs.
Students assisted with the catering for the 260 plus meals/day for the Catholic Care of the Aged patrons, beginning their shifts at 7am and working each day until 3pm. This is a real achievement and students should be proud of themselves.
William Pamplin and Byron Smith should be commended for beginning the roster and putting their names down first without hesitation. Imogen Richmond and Holly Campbell should also be congratulated for following close behind.
Thank you to the Food Services Manager and the Production Kitchen Chefs for providing our students with such an opportunity and looking after them so well. We are very lucky to have such a wonderful collaboration.
Georgina Pender
Hospitality Teacher and VET Coordinator
Earth and Environmental Science
Year 11 Earth and Environmental Science students enjoyed stunning weather while exploring the Port Macquarie Geotrail this week. After studying plate tectonic theory in class, it was a great opportunity to see first hand both rocks and structures formed in different tectonic settings.
From pillow basalts at mid oceanic ridges to deep ocean deposits, sediment avalanches and metamorphism caused as one plate is subducted beneath another. We are lucky to have such easy access to such an important and useful resource as the Geotrail.
You Choose - Youth Road Safety Presentation
There is no doubt road safety is an important issue for young people in Australia. As a parent of teenagers myself, there have been a few sleepless nights waiting for my young drivers to come home safely and worrying about what they are doing while driving out with their friends in the car. It is important that we educate our young people regarding the dangers when driving or being a passenger in the car.
On Friday, 3 June (Week 6) Year 11 will be attending a presentation called You Choose - Youth Road Safety Presentation at the College. The presentation is designed to educate young people about the importance of road safety and the choices young people make on our roads. The cost of the presentation is $6.00 and will be billed to your child’s account.
You Choose - Youth Road Safety is a highly respected initiative run by its founders Melissa and Peter McGuinness. Their 18 year old son, Jordan, was speeding under the influence of alcohol and drugs when he drove his car into a stationary vehicle. His choices killed four young victims in the other car and also himself. Their presentation is powerful, moving and engaging, encouraging young people to make good choices when it comes to their lives.
The Australian Road Safety Award winning You Choose Youth Road Safety is recommended by police, educators, parents and students. It uplifts young people to protect their families and their communities from the preventable misery of youth road trauma.
With more and more Year 11 students starting to get their driver’s licence or driving in cars with P plate drivers, now is a good time to remind our young people about the importance of the choices they make.
Tracey Bewicke
Year 11 Leader of Pastoral Care
Year 12
Academic Awards
All parents and carers are invited to attend the Academic Awards.
Time: 12:50pm
Date: Thursday, 26 May
Venue: Theatre, Junior Campus, MacKillop College
We hope you will be able to join us to celebrate the Year 12 academic achievements. Please note students will be advised at the beginning of that week whether they are receiving an award.
Dodge ball
We are currently running a lunch time PC dodgeball competition that is going very well. Each PC is showing up and having some fun each Friday. The competition will culminate in a final between the winning Year 12 and winning Year 11 team later in the term.
A trip down memory lane
Year 12 enjoyed a little trip down memory lane last week during our extended PC. I took them back to 2018 when they were in Year 8 and showed them some photos and a video of their Year 8 camp. It caused quite a few giggles and lots of oohs and ahhs as they saw how cute they were back then. We then did a heal and toe polka which is something from the Year 8 PDHPE course. There were a lot of groans to begin with but within in no time all of Year 12 were having a laugh and totally into it. It’s nice to take some time to look back fondly (or with a little cringe) on our school days. Students then chose their own adventure and their time was put into their own hands. Some chose to stay with me and continue playing games from their past (noodle tag and dodgeball) some chose to play an old favourite - handball, others played some board games together to chill and relax and others chose to use their time to feel more organised and did some study. Overall it was a lovely morning.
You Choose
During Week 6 Year 12 will be attending a presentation at school from an organisation called You Choose. It is about Road Safety and the choices young people make. Young people can never have too much information or guidance in this area and I am hoping that the presentation will help to keep your young people safe on the roads. The cost of the presentation is $6.00 and will be billed to your child's account. Below is a little about the organisation and their presentation.
You Choose – Youth Road Safety is a highly acclaimed program, and winner of the Australian Road Safety Award for school programs. Melissa and Peter McGuiness are the founders of You Choose Road Safety and Melissa McGuiness is the presenter, she is a mother of three children, whose 18-year-old son died in a horrific car crash he caused in 2012, which also killed four innocent young people.
You Choose engages schools and organisations around Australia, sharing highly relatable, lived experiences with tens of thousands of students, teachers and parents. The program extends beyond a cautionary tale, by positively uplifting young drivers and passengers to protect their families and their communities from the preventable misery of youth road trauma. Messages are focused on love, family, and the empowerment of choice.
You Chose believes that it is important to introduce students to real-life lessons, and to a mission for change that they can take immediate personal accountability for.
You Choose – Youth Road Safety is strongly advocated by professional educators, police departments and parents.
Andrea Huxley
Year 12 Leader of Pastoral Care
It is important that all students have the opportunity to thrive, grow and become the best version of themselves. There are a multitude of aspects that contribute to making this a reality and one we focus on at MacKillop is character strengths. “Character strengths are the positive parts of your personality that make you feel authentic and engaged… (and research has shown) that understanding and applying your strengths can help: boost confident, increase happiness, strengthen relationships, manage problems, reduce stress, accomplish goals, build meaning and purpose and improve work performance” https://www.viacharacter.org/
The VIA survey each student undertakes identifies the unique parts of their personality that are the strongest, ranking the twenty-four character strengths, from highest to lowest. Once the survey is complete, we record everyone’s top five strengths on our Schoolworx platform. Our character strengths are not stagnant. As we grow and develop, so do they, and to capture this the survey is completed every two years. It has been shown that people who use their top five character strengths have a more positive experience and are more engaged in what they do so it is important that we are regularly checking in with the strengths we are relying on the most.
The 24 Character Strengths
Every term we pick a character strength focus. Term 1 we exercised our Creativity, and this term it’s all about Perseverance which I think in the world’s current climate any extra development in this area is only going to help!! We are fully embracing this strength and Pastoral Care classes will be challenged to participate in the Push Up Challenge. This challenge is a true test of our physical and mental perseverance, 3,139 push ups in 24 days, and the challenge raises awareness for mental health.
Everyone loves to do what they are good at and character strengths give us a way to target those areas. My top five strengths are humour, love of learning, honesty, kindness and love. My number one, humour, is who I am at my core, however the other four are what I do, teaching and fulfilling the role of Leader of Wellbeing. I love that my profession is perfect for my strengths, giving me the best opportunity to succeed. I encourage you to have a chat with your child, find out where their strengths lie, and encourage them to use them at home and at school.
If you are interested in reading more or doing the survey yourself visit https://www.viacharacter.org/
Have a wonderful weekend!
Lisa Kable
Leader of Wellbeing - Social and Emotional Support
Parent Webinars
Busways Changes
Music News
“Beautiful music is the art of the prophets that can calm the agitations of the soul; it is one of the most magnificent and delightful presents God has given us.”- Martin Luther
Flood Appeal Concert
Two matinee Flood Appeal Concerts organised by local musicians Robyn Ryan OAM and Jim Matsinos will take place on Saturday, 4 June and Sunday, 5 June in the MacKillop College theatre from 2:00pm. All proceeds will be contributed to the Diocesan Flood Appeal.
The MacKillop College Senior Band will open the Saturday performance whilst the college Saxophone ensemble will open the concert on Sunday.
Both concerts are open to the public with tickets available at the door.
We hope to see you there!
Big Band Blast
The annual Big Band Blast music festival is taking place again in Port Macquarie from 27 - 29 May! Whilst we have no ensemble from MacKillop entered this year, we are keen to support the event. In addition, a number of senior music students have been invited to participate as volunteers.
All details and tickets are available on the website https://www.bigbandblast.org/
Slice of Haven
The SAPSS Drumlines and Colour Guard will be performing at Slice of Haven in Laurieton on Sunday, 29 May. The Junior Drumline perform at 11:00am and the Senior Drumline & Colour guard perform at 2:00pm. This is a wonderful day out for the family - lots of wonderful food, activities and music!
We hope to see you there!
Open Mic Night
Wave Bowl Port Macquarie are hosting an open mic night on Thursday, 9 June! This is a wonderful opportunity for MacKillop musicians to perform!
For more information please contact Wave Bowl or see Mr Denham.
Artwalk is taking place again here in Port Macquarie on Friday, 10 June from 5:00pm - 9:00pm. The MacKillop College Senior Band, Saxophone Ensemble and selected senior soloists will be performing from 6:00pm, whilst the SAPSS Drumlines and Colour Guard will be performing later in the evening from 8:00pm.
This is a wonderful creative community event that we are excited to be supporting.
For more information visit the website https://portmacquarieinfo.com.au/artwalk/program
Ride the Wave Festival
The annual Ride the Wave Festival hosted by local charity Make a Difference PMQ is taking place across the weekend of 25 - 26 June. This year the SAPSS Drumlines and Colour Guard will be performing at Town Beach on Saturday from 11:00am.
In addition, a solo acoustic battle of the bands style competition is also taking place. Student musicians can enter ($50.00 entry fee required) by completing the linked form. More information can be found on the website https://www.ridethewavefestival.com.au/
Song Maker
Recently Year 11 music student Georgia Ryan participated in a songwriting workshop. Her song has now been posted on youtube. We done to Georgia! What a great song it is and we hope to hear more of your songs in the future.
“I’ve always been fascinated by the techniques of songwriting, how it can have many often complex layers and how a song is put together from start to finish. So I was incredibly lucky to attend a recent songwriting workshop right here in Port Macquarie run by SongMakers, in conjunction with APRA AMCOS and Regional NSW.
This 2-day workshop allowed the 16 attendees to be mentored by professional songwriters and musicians and to get a small insight into the professional music industry. But it was Day 2 that provided the most fun, allowing us to write, perform and record our own song (another thing I learnt is that doing this all in a day is an incredibly crazy and ambitious task!). But here is my very first effort at songwriting.”
I hope you like it.
‘2 Years’ (Co-written by Sascha Arnberger and Georgia Ryan. Produced by SongMakers. Recorded at MakerSpace in Port Macquarie).
Links & Forms
Co curricular Music Google Classroom
Senior Band STILE PAGE Class code X3JF9Y
Junior Band STILE PAGE Class code JSV9C8
The Collective Pop & Rock Praise Band STILE PAGE Class code G8V8S6
Saxophone Ensemble Google Classroom
Musical Theatre Company Google Classroom
Upcoming Events
Live music is well and truly back at MacKillop College!
Could I please ask that families read through the events listed below and take note on calendars. More detail will be provided to students in rehearsal and specific information for each event emailed when necessary.
It is important that ensemble members inform their respective directors IMMEDIATELY if they are unavailable to participate.
YEAR 7 MASS (Collective)
- Week 5 - Tuesday 24 May, Period 1, St Agnes' Catholic Church, Collective Pop & Rock Praise Band.
- Week 5 - Wednesday 25 May, Period 1, College Hall, Saxophone Ensemble
- Week 5 - Wednesday 25 May, 7:30pm - 9:30pm, Glasshouse theatre Port Macquarie, Musical Theatre Company
- Week 5 - Thursday 26 May, Period 1, College Hall, Collective Pop & Rock Praise Band.
YOUTH MASS (Collective)
- Week 5 - Sunday 29 May, 4:15pm - 6:00pm, St Agnes' Catholic Church, Collective Pop & Rock Praise Band.
- Week 6 - Saturday 4 June, 2:00pm - 4:00pm, Theatre, Senior Band.
FLOOD RELIEF CONCERT #1 (Saxophone Ensemble)
- Week 6 - Sunday 5 June, 2:00pm - 4:00pm, Theatre, Saxophone Ensemble.
ARTWALK PERFORMANCE (Senior Band, Senior Percussion Ensemble, Saxophone Ensemble & SAPSS Snr/Jnr Drumlines and Colour Guard)
- Week 7 - Friday 10 June, 5:00pm - 9:00pm, Skate Park Port Macquarie, Senior Band, Senior percussion Ensemble, Saxophone Ensemble and SAPSS Snr/Jnr Drumlines and Colour Guard).
YOUTH MASS (Collective)
- Week 8 - Sunday 19 June, 4:15pm - 6:00pm, St Agnes' Catholic Church, Collective Pop & Rock Praise Band.
ASSEMBLY PERFORMANCE (Musical Theatre Company)
- Week 9 - Wednesday 22 June, Period 1, College Hall, Musical Theatre Company
Please contact Rob Denham with any questions relating to the co-curricular music program at MacKillop College.
Sport News
MacKillop College Athletics Carnival
Our Annual College Athletics Carnival is on Friday, 24 June. This carnival is a compulsory day for all students in Years 7-12 and is a real highlight of our sporting calendar. It is an opportunity for students to embrace their House spirit by dressing up in house colours and getting involved in all events whether it be the competitive or novelty events.
If students are unable to participate due to injury or illness a note outlining this needs to be handed to Mrs Denham. Often these students can still positively enjoy the carnival by offering assistance at the events.
We welcome all parents and guardians of our students to come along and support their children at this event and also welcome any parents that can give any assistance on the day. Please email Erin Denham if you are able to assist on the day.
Pre-Events at MacKillop College Athletics Carnival 2022
The schedule for the pre-events leading into the Athletics Carnival is below
- If you have signed up please ensure that you attend the event as per the program. If you are yet to sign up please do so ASAP via the Moodle page - Representative Sport. The form will close Friday, 3 June at 3pm.
WEEK 8 – Tuesday 14 June
Period 1 & 2 - 400m
Period 3 & 4 - 800m
WEEK 9 - Tuesday21 June
Period 1 & 2 - 1500m
9am 16, 17, 18 Girls
9.30am 16, 17, 18 Boys
10am 12, 13, 14, 15 Girls
10.30am 12, 13, 14, 15 Boys
Period 3, 4, 5 – High Jump
11.35am 12-13 Boys
12pm 12-13 Girls
12.30pm 14-15 Boys
1pm 14-15 Girls
1.30pm 16-18 Boys
2pm 16-18 Girls
High Jump
- If students wish to do the fosbury flop in the HIGH JUMP parents MUST fill out the parental permission form (found at the Sports notice boards) and hand it back to Mrs Denham.
YEAR 9 & 10
Students in Years 9 and 10 Sport have elective sport this term. Students will participate in 8 weeks of sport plus two weeks of athletics practice prior to our Carnival.
If students cannot attend sport they are required to provide a signed note to Mrs Denham outlining why your child cannot participate. If it is an ongoing injury or illness a doctor’s certificate is required.
Representative Sport Success
Diocesan Tennis
MacKillop College entered three teams in the Diocesan Tennis Championships. Games were played at Arkinstall Park Regional Tennis Centre on the 27 May. Our Open Boys team consisted of Edward Coombes, Taron Barth, Jackson Bucci and Matthew Nottle. Our Junior Boys team included Noah Pociask and Flynn Burrage . The Open Girls team included Shayla Mitchell, Harmony Mitchell, Victoria Clapoudis and Grace Dawson.
All players can be proud of their efforts and the sportsmanship they displayed. The junior boys team played some outstanding tennis and won all of their sets to secure first place for the day.
Best and fairest: Open boys - Edward Coombes, Open girls - Shayla Mitchell, Junior boys - Noah Pociask
Richard May
Tennis Coach
NSWCCC Netball
It was fantastic to see our three students trial for the NSWCCC Netball teams in Menai on the 4 and 5 May (Claire Pieren, Cassidy Pieren and Tallara Duck).
Congratulations to Claire Pieren who was successful at the trial and was selected for the NSWCCC Team, we have not seen a student make this team for a long time. This is an outstanding effort and we wish her all the best as she competes for the State at the next level.
NSWCCC Basketball
Well done to the three students who trialled for the NSWCCC Basketball team in Terrigal on the 2 May (Logan Myers, Zayne Galea and Caleb Prior).
Registrations and Upcoming Events
All registrations for MacKillop College sport teams will be completed by students via logging into the school Moodle page. Go to the Student Links tab on the left hand side and click on the Representative Sports Registrations link. Click on the relevant sport and fill out the google form.
Students will be notified through the morning notices of when to sign up, and when trials will occur.
Click on this link to register.
Sport | Event | Date |
Football (Soccer) | Bill Turner Cup – Boys and Girls - MacKillop College | 23 May |
Rugby League | U13 and U15 Country Cup – Wood Street Port Macquarie | 31 May |
Netball | NSW Netball Schools Cup – Port Macquarie | 2 June |
Rugby League | U14 Cochrane Cup – Wood Street Port Macquarie | 9 June |
Rugby League | U14 and U 16 Girls Katrina Fanning Cup – Wood Street Port Macquarie | 15 June |
Netball | Fast 5 NSW Netball Schools Cup – Port Macquarie | 22 June |
Athletics | MacKillop College Athletics carnival | 24 June |
Lismore Diocesan Events and Registration
Please note that the following sports are currently open for students to be able to sign up to or register their interest to trial. These sports have been advertised to students through morning notices over the past week.
Please click on this link below to register for the sports.
Sport | Event | Date of event | Registration Closing date |
Football (Soccer) | Years 7-10 Boys and 7-9 Girls Junior Football Gala Day – Coffs Harbour | 9 June | 16 May |
Football (Soccer) | KO Boys - Lismore v Armidale | 23 June | |
Touch Football | Opens and U15s Boys and Girls Championships – Ballina | 25 & 26 July | 10 June |
NSWCCC Events and Registration
Students MUST be registered for the event with parent and Principal approval (or Principal delegate).
Registration is through the CSNSW Sport portal. Details on how to register.
Registrations are via the CSNSW.sport portal. For instructions on how to register go to: Guide For Parents – Sport Registrations >>
Please note that the NSWCCC Sport registrations for individual nominations for 2022 selections are open for the following trials:
Sport | Event | Date of event | Registration Closing date |
Football (Soccer) | Boys 19s and Girls 18s – Glenwood | 25 & 26 May | |
Rugby League | 14/15 Years Girls Development Day | 27 May | |
Hockey | Boys and Girls Selections - Bathurst | 30 May | 19 May |
Tennis | Boys and Girls Championships – Bathurst | 30 May | |
Hockey | Boys and Girls Championships - Bathurst | 31 May & 1 June | 19 May |
Cross Country | Boys and Girls – Eastern Creek | 7 June | 25 May |
Basketball | Open Boys and Girls Championships – Port Macquarie | 27 June & 28 June |
For further information, go to the CSNSW Sport Website Sport pages. https://csnsw.sport/
NSW All Schools – Events
The selection for these events are a result of the NSWCCC events.
Sport | Event | Date of event |
Canoeing | Grafton and Jackadgery | 21 - 24 May |
Touch Football | Year 7/8 All Schools MNC Touch Football | 25 May |
Touch Football | Year 9/10 All Schools MNC Touch Football | 26 May |
Rugby Union | Rugby v AICES – Narrabeen | 29 May |
AFL | Albury | 30 & 31 May |
Diving | SOPAC | 3 June |
Swimming | SOPAC | 3 June |
Touch Football | NSWCCC Camp and All School 15 Touch – Narrabeen | 3 - 5 June |
Basketball | Opens - Terrigal | 6 June |
Rugby Union | Rugby v ISA – Oxford Falls | 7 June |
Volleyball | Opens – Netball Central | 17 June |
Football (Soccer) | Opens - Glenwood | 20 & 21 June |
Golf | Yamba | 20 - 24 June |
Rugby 7s | Girls | 23 & 24 June |
Rugby Union | Opens | 24 June |
Rugby Union | U16 | 25 & 26 June |
Rugby League | NSWCCC Country Rugby League Camp | 10-15 July |
Hockey | Open – Newcastle | 18 July |
Cross Country | 22 July |
Community Sport
Rugby League
Congratulations to Joshua Power who has been selected for the NSW NRL Country U 18s team based on his performances in The Laurie Daley Cup for the North Coast Bulldogs over the last few months. The competition ran from 14-15 May with his opening game on the 14 May being played at 4 Pines Park Brookvale.
Josh is in great form this year and continues to make Rugby League representative teams at a high level. We wish Josh all the best as he goes into camp.
Congratulations to Wil Rosenbaum and Ethan Tombs who were recently recognised for their Rugby League talent at the Bulldogs Rugby League awards. Wil was named Players Player and Ethan was named best back – well done boys, this is a great achievement on the back of a great season.
Congratulations to Jasper Sumsky who recently competed at the Australian Triathlon Super Sprint Championships held across 3 days on the Gold Coast. Jasper finished 13th in the race against other 16 & 17 year old competitors from all around Australia. He is in great form at the moment, competing very successfully at multiple meets. Well done Jasper – we hope that you get to race at the All Schools Triathlon Championships later in the year.
If your child has achieved outstanding sporting results in their community sport, we would love to hear about it. Please email myself, or your child’s respective Leader of Pastoral Care, so we can acknowledge these achievements.
If you have any questions regarding sport at MacKillop College, please do not hesitate to contact me either by email or phone at the College.
Erin Denham
Leader of Sport
Canteen Update
To order from the canteen:
1. Orders can be written out at the canteen (bags supplied free of charge).
2. Orders can be written out at home and handed in at the canteen.
3. Download the Qkr! app and order on line.
All orders to be in by 8:30am please.
Please remind your child/children if you have ordered for them, and what their order is.
If your child is sick and you have ordered, please phone the canteen (6583 2632) to arrange a credit.
Please note to change your child's year group when using the QKR! app to order lunch for 2022.
Now available: Gluten free pies $5.00 and gluten free sausage rolls $4.00; these items must be ordered.
Monday 23 May
Patrick Corr & Paul Atkins
Tuesday 24 May
Katrina Bates, Elizabeth Jardine & Anthea Romer
Wednesday 25 May
Jaci Zimmerman & Amelia Brown
Thursday 26 May
Stacey Hyde, Sue Ryan & Tracey Reddie
Friday 27 May
Pupil Free Day
Monday 30 May
Help Please
Tuesday 31 May
Help Please
Wednesday 1 June
Kate Perkins & Peta Clancy
Thursday 2 June
Rowena Beukers, Renee Bullock, Kelly Dingle & Ronnel Ske
Friday 3 June
Jo Sexton, Mel Carroll, Leanne Hatherly
Canteen Help Needed
We are in need of some parent assistance for canteen. For more information and requirements on volunteering in the Canteen, or if you are able to volunteer, please follow this link.
Homework Hubs
Maths Tutorials
Tuesday 7.45am-8.30am and Friday 7.45am-8.30am
Room 12 Main College with Elizabeth Robertson