Term 3, Week 6, 30 August
Happy Father's Day
To all our dads, stepdads, grandfathers, male teachers, and support staff, and to all those men who play important roles in the lives of young people, I wish you a loved-filled and enjoyable Father’s Day this Sunday. We keep you and all those dads in heaven in our prayers and thoughts and ask God to bless you as you love, care for, and support your families.

God took the strength of a mountain, the majesty of a tree, the warmth of a summer sun, the calm of a quiet sea, the generous soul of nature, the comforting arm of night, the wisdom of the ages, the power of the eagle’s flight, the joy of a morning in spring, the faith of a mustard seed, the patience of eternity, the depth of a family need. Then God combined these qualities, and when there was nothing more to add, He knew His masterpiece was complete, and so He called it... Dad. Author Unknown
Feast Day Celebrations
Wow, what a fantastic day we had celebrating our patron saint, Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop, on Tuesday, 20 August. It was a great way to share in the MacKillop spirit and a special day for our Year 12 students as they celebrated the end of their trial exams and their final feast day at the college. Most importantly, it is an opportunity to reflect on the example of Mary MacKillop as a servant of God and to contemplate and pray that we, too, may follow her example of looking after others, especially the poor and lonely.
The day began with a beautiful Mass, celebrated by Father Alejo, who recently joined our St. Agnes Catholic Parish. This was his first ever MacKillop Mass, and the students appreciated his compassion and sense of humour.
Following Mass, we had an opportunity to enjoy time together having lots of fun, listening to music performed by our wonderfully talented students, and participating in the various activities run by staff and students. For some of us, it meant stepping outside our comfort zone and putting ourselves up for some pie throwing and bucket dunking, all for the great cause of raising funds for our Mary MacKillop Fund, which, in the example of Mary MacKillop, directly helps those in need. I’d like to especially acknowledge our college captains, Archie and Maeve, for their spirit of fun in accepting my challenge to join me in having the cream pies thrown at us!
Whilst final costings and funds raised have not been completed, students have requested that some of the funds be donated to former MacKillop student Kai MacKenzie, who lost his leg in the recent Port Macquarie shark attack and also donated to support the costs of the Thursday afternoon MacKillop College and Make a Difference PMQ Charity to feed local homeless people.

Cath Eichmann
Year 7
Mary MacKillop Day #MMDAY
Last week, our college community came together to celebrate the feast of our patron, Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop, in grand style. #MMDAY, as it's affectionately known, was a day filled with fun, laughter, and a strong sense of community.
The festivities kicked off with a beautiful Feast Day Mass, where our Year 7 students played a special role, participating in the liturgy and reflecting on the life and legacy of Saint Mary MacKillop. Following the Mass, excitement began, with a wide variety of activity stalls taking place throughout the day.
One of the highlights was the pie-throwing contest, where students and staff alike took turns launching shaving cream paper plates at their favourite teachers. The Ninja Warriors course also proved to be a huge hit, with students showcasing their agility and strength as they navigated the challenging obstacles. For those who preferred a more lighthearted challenge, the sumo suit wrestling provided plenty of laughs and entertainment.
But the real stars of the day were our Year 7 PC groups, who took on the responsibility of running various activities. The movie cinema was a huge success, with students enjoying classic films and snacks. The photo booth was also a popular attraction, with students capturing memories with their friends. And for those who love a good puzzle, the escape room challenge put their problem-solving skills to the test.
Overall, #MMDAY was a resounding success, raising funds to support individuals and organisations in need, including our sister schools in Fiji and New South Wales. It was a day that truly embodied the spirit of Saint Mary MacKillop, who dedicated her life to serving others and making a difference in the world.
As we look back on this special day, we are filled with gratitude for the strong sense of community that exists at our college. We are proud of our Year 7 students for their enthusiasm and hard work, and we look forward to many more years of celebrating the life and legacy of Saint Mary MacKillop.
Congratulations to the following students who have received a Gold Principals Award: William Ebbs, Lila Karem & Benjamin Ryan.
Congratulations to the following students who have received a Silver Principals Award: Adrienne Arce, Ellis Bibel, Connor Budnick, Erika Collins-Jones, Johnny Davidson, Amelia Dekker, Salvador Fairley, Elliott Geddes, Harvey Gosling, Declan Jones, Riley Martino, Xavier Mat, Meela Munro, Dominic O'Brien, Felix Plowright, Grace Pulham, Nathaniel Sun Zhong & Joslyn Wake.
Congratulations to the following students who have received a Leader of Pastoral Care Awards: Adrienne Arce, Geordie Baird, Ellis Bibel, Connor Budnick, Mason Campbell, Grace Campbell, Stella Clark, Xavier Cleary, Erika Collins-Jones, George Conway, Madeleine Cooley, Johnny Davidson, Amelia Dekker, William Ebbs, Salvador Fairley, Jack Fennell, Madison Flowers, Hugh Francis Borja (x2), Elliott Geddes, Harvey Gosling, Beau Graham, Amira Grech, Maddox Hamlin, Francesca Healey, Paige Heery, Chelsea Hodges (x2), Hazel Horwood, Ellie Howard, Declan Jones, Lila Karam, Jemma Kowalewski, Chloe Lentz, Asha Maher, Bethany Martin, Riley Martino, Eliana Martino, Xavier Mat, Torie Matheson, Antonia McEntyre, Trinity McIlroy, Lily Meredith, Gracie Moore, Xavier Morrison, Meela Munro, Dominic O'Brien, Felix Plowright, Grace Pulham, Benjamin Ryan, Nathaniel Sun Zhong, Olive Tait, Samuel Tarbox, Ethan Thompson, Joslyn Wake, Amalee Welch, Elijah Westbrook, Edith White & Cody Winter.
Ryan Adams
Year 7 Leader of Pastoral Care
Year 8
Smashed Presentation
Year 8 students recently attended the "Smashed" presentation, an engaging and thought-provoking programme aligned with the Australian curriculum. The presentation delved into crucial themes surrounding underage drinking, such as the emotional and social causes, its impact on young lives, and how it influences behaviour online and in person.
Students acted out scenarios involving peer pressure, decision-making, and consent, learning valuable lessons on how to help themselves and others in challenging situations. This experience aligns with what students are learning in PDHPE, helping them develop the knowledge and tools they need to make informed choices.
For more resources and an overview of what the students saw, check out the parent resources on the Smashed Projects website.
"Our Place"
MacKillop College is proud to support "Our Place," an initiative by the Port Macquarie Hastings Homelessness Collective, which includes St. Agnes’ Catholic Parish. "Our Place" is a safe space where vulnerable community members can access essential support, including food, showers, and laundry facilities. The need for these services is growing, with up to 60 people being supported daily.
As "Our Place" expands to a weekly service, our support is more crucial than ever. It is Year 8’s turn to step up to the plate over Weeks 7 and 8. We are asking Year 8 students and their families to contribute non-perishable food items or toiletries, such as:
- Non-perishable food items include canned foods, rice, pasta, pasta sauce, cup-a-soups, long-life milk, cereals, peanut butter, jam, muesli bars, two-minute noodles, biscuits, snacks, tea, coffee, sugar, etc.
- Toiletries include shampoo, soap, bodywash, lotion, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, disposable razors, etc. (small sizes preferred).
Every donation makes a significant difference and will be collected in PC over Weeks 7 and 8. Together, we can continue to make a positive impact on the lives of those in need within our community.

Gold Principals Award: Samrina Adhikari & Mark Temple
Congratulations to the following students who have received a Silver Principal’s Award: Alyra Buckley, Grace Collins, Harry Creighton, London Curtis, Kaylie Dawson, Harrison Ebbs, Bethany Folkes, Samuel Hancock, Bailey Haste, Lucia Hurdle, Tobi Lawler, Shannon Lee Lusung, Indy Lorger, Alexander Madeley, Abby Moloney, Eamon O'Sullivan, Oto Ryan, Tom Sharman, Madison Sivell & Locke Williamson.
Congratulations to the following students who have received a Leader of Pastoral Care Awards: Samrina Adhikari, Evelyn Archibald, Tahlia Arnold, Mira Arnold, Annabelle Ashton, Liam Ayres, Milana Baker, Jonah Barnes, Kayla Bayer, Jacob Bell, Piper Brennan-Riley, Alyra Buckley, Grace Byrne, Lola Caruso, Callum Clancy, Grace Collins, Ruby Cramp, Harry Creighton, London Curtis, Kaylie Dawson, Lila Duncan, Harrison Ebbs, Olivia Edmund, Evie Evans, Bethany Folkes, Lucy Ford, Riley Garel, Tahlia Hall, Samuel Hancock, Bianca Harrison, Bailey Haste, Lucia Hurdle, Nate James, Maxwell Karam, Oliver Laundry, Tobi Lawler, Shannon Lee Lusung, Astrid Livingston, Joshua Lloyd, Indy Lorger, Alexander Madeley, Nicholas Maetzig, Manni McGrath, Jeremy Mills, Abby Moloney, Amelie Obeid, Eamon O'Sullivan, Livia Pelley, Amelia Pettitt, Jakob Pol, Xavier Pye, Jake Riches, Oto Ryan, Jakob Schmidt, Tom Sharman, Sophia Sivell, Madison Sivell, Lenny Spitzer, Mark Temple, Zoe Townsend, Aleisha Van Lint, Ella Walker, Isabella White & Locke Williamson.
Adam O’Brien
Year 8 Leader of Pastoral Care
Year 9
Our Mary MacKillop Feast Day was a big day out. It was wonderful to witness the many students who assisted and participated in our Mass, served at the lolly stall, assisted in the running of sideshow alley activities, supported the food stalls, and engaged in various ventures around the college in the spirit of good fun. The day was a resounding success in bringing students together to raise funds for the benefit of the community.
On behalf of the Year 9 PC team, I thank all families for supporting their son or daughter’s contribution and thank all the students who volunteered their service and got involved; Year 9’s generosity, cooperation, and enthusiasm continue to remind me what a blessing it is to know these fine young people.

In extended PC last week, Year 9 maximised the opportunity to share their voice.
Students completed an anti-bullying survey to inform staff of areas and behaviours of individuals that need attention to ensure school is a safe and respectful environment for all.
Year 9 also chose to engage in the opportunity to recognise the positive qualities of their peers and wrote letters of positive affirmation to them. This SRC initiative encouraged them to strengthen our school culture where respect and kindness are authentic and visible and be the kind of person who builds people up. The SRC will distribute these letters to individual students, and I am confident the recipients will welcome words reminding them of the positive impact they have on others. It was fantastic to note that no one was short of positive feedback!
Upcoming Events and Year 9 Assessment
Week 7
- Monday, September 2, Food Technology (FT1, FT2) HI
- Tuesday, September 3, Food Technology (FT3) HI
- Thursday, September 5, Metal HI
Week 8
- Monday, September 9, French IC
- Monday, September 9, Elective History IC
- Wednesday, September 11, Graphics HI
- Wednesday, September 11, Science IC
Congratulations to the following students who have received a Silver Principals Award: Zeke Anderson, Analiese Bishop, Billy Brockhouse, Annabelle Broderick, Oliver Cairns, Max Choi, William Clark, Leeann Clint, Hamish Conaghan, Taj Davis, Allie Donohoe, Charlotte Fitzpatrick, Macey Hender, Owen Hilkemeijer, Rhys Kendal, Jedda Lenton, Eleanor Letters, James Owen, Noah Pociask, Ava Ribot De Bressac, Reese Rosenbaum, Aidan Wadwell & Henry Wootton.
Congratulations to the following students who have received a Leader of Pastoral Care Awards: Zeke Anderson, Analiese Bishop, Billy Brockhouse, Annabelle Broderick, Evie Bullen, Oliver Cairns, Lionel Carney, Meela Castle, Max Choi, William Clark, Leeann Clint, Blaze Colthorpe, Hamish Conaghan, Toreno Crepaz, Saoirse Crinion, Ayla Cross, Flynn Daly, Taj Davis, Allie Donohoe, Xavier Dunn, Matilda Elford, Charlotte Fitzpatrick, Ashton Fraser, Darcie Gleeson, Sarah Gleeson, Rafferty Gordon, Hannah Gresswell, Olivia Gridley, Jack Hartley, Archie Hawken, Amelia Heery, Macey Hender, Owen Hilkemeijer, Rhys Kendal, Luke Lawder, Jedda Lenton, Eleanor Letters, Layley Lewis, Charlie Long, Ewan McAllister, Danika Murray, Paige Neilsen, Eli O'Bryan, Maici O’Keefe, James Owen, Noah Pociask, Keegan Pope, Ava Ribot De Bressac, Lillian Robertson, Reese Rosenbaum, Nate Sheldon, Ashleigh Strong, Kate Thompson, Joey Thompson, Aidan Wadwell, Lani Warren, Henry Wootton, Sebastian Wyllie & Daniel Zhong.
Nicole O’Connell
Year 9 Leader of Pastoral Care
Year 10
Congratulations to the following students who have received a Silver Principals Award: Olivia Blake, Alexandra Bransdon, Flynn Burrage, Cooper Evans, Megan Goldie, Zachary Madeley, Jarrod Manning, Marley Nasso, Angus Oakeshott, Jesper Robinson, Lucy Strahorn, Catalina Toth, Imogen Turnbull, Lacey Urquhart & Hugo Van Den Nieuwenhof.
Congratulations to the following students who have received a Leader of Pastoral Care Awards: Hailie Attwells, Olivia Blake, Alexandra Bransdon, Flynn Burrage, Ryan Campbell, Harley Cottom, Isabella Dunn, Cooper Evans, Zac Fonyodi, Inala Gibbs, Megan Goldie, Lenni Gosling, Jack Healey, Willis Jensen, Luke Jones, Zachary Madeley, Jarrod Manning, Ruby Menin, Isabella Menjivar, India Murray, Marley Nasso, Noah Nelson, Angus Oakeshott, Tully Paterson, Austin Pettitt, Madeline Poulton, Jesper Robinson, Oliver Shuttleworth, Jorja Smith, Lucy Strahorn, Milla Swain, Catalina Toth, Imogen Turnbull, Lacey Urquhart, Hugo Van Den Nieuwenhof, Connor Van Der Merwe, Lara Woolfe, Oliver Wootton & PJ Wright.
Tom Salter
Year 10 Leader of Pastoral Care
Year 11
Congratulations to the following students who have received a Leader of Pastoral Care Awards: Charlee Bailey, Evie Barnaby, Max Brockhouse, Alannah De Groot, Lily Dunshea, Miya Freeman, Bronte Hender, Hunter Mayes, Olivia McGahon, Makayla Mott, Matthew Nottle, Ruby Payne, Oliver Philp, Blake Romer.
Daniel O'Dell
Year 11 Leader of Pastoral Care
Year 12

Extension History
Earlier today, extension history students gathered to engage in a Socratic discussion on the Salem Witch Trials. The purpose was to challenge their understanding of the events and explore how gender, power, and persecution shaped the progression of the hunts and trials. Following the discussion, students were tasked with writing a reflection on the varying interpretations offered by historians and what insights they gained from the activity.

Congratulations to the following students who have received a Leader of Pastoral Care Awards: Ruby Bryant, Billy Cutcliffe, Tallara Duck, Jesse Fisher, Harmony Mitchell & Annabelle Soady.
Bruce Smith
Year 12 Leader of Pastoral Care
Monitoring and Managing Mobile Phone Use
While mobile phones offer numerous benefits, excessive use can lead to various challenges, such as distraction, sleep disruption, and potential reduced academic performance.
At MacKillop College, we have clear guidelines and student responsibilities in relation to mobile phones, as published in our Student Handbook:
Mobile phones cannot be used on college grounds prior to 3.10 pm.
The exceptions are:
- If a teacher explicitly requires the phone to be accessed for learning purposes.
- Senior students may access their phones outside of class times.
Mobile phones cannot be kept ‘on the person’, including in shirt, skirt, or shorts pockets, at any time. If a student must bring the phone to school, it must be turned off and stored safely in the student’s bag at all times. If a parent or carer needs to contact the student during the school day, please call the college office so a message can be passed on. Your child can come to the office during their lunch break to call you using the college phone. If a student is ill or injured, they must present themselves to the college office so that parents or carers can be contacted by college staff.
These guidelines are in place to help maximise engagement in the classroom, reduce distractions, reduce the likelihood and potential for cyberbullying, promote social relationships, and increase active play in the playground. Failure to meet these expectations will result in the mobile phone being confiscated for the remainder of the day and an after-school detention being issued.
Many parents have expressed the growing battle and difficulty of managing the use of electronic devices in their household. To support you in guiding your child towards healthier mobile phone habits, we have compiled some practical strategies, supported by Australian resources, to help manage and balance mobile phone use.
- Establish clear usage rules—set specific guidelines regarding when and where mobile phones can be used. For instance, you might decide that phones are not allowed during meal times or in the hour before bed.
- Encourage productive use. Help your child understand the importance of using their phone for positive purposes. Encourage them to use apps that support their education, such as those for organising their study schedule or accessing educational content.
- Open communication: engage in regular discussions with your child about their phone usage. This includes understanding their interests, the apps they use, and how they feel about their online interactions. Open communication can help address any concerns and promote responsible use.
- Lead by example—model healthy phone habits for your child. Demonstrate balanced use of your own mobile device and be mindful of your screen time. Children often mimic the behaviours they observe, so setting a positive example can reinforce good habits.
- Implement Tech-Free Times: designate times when the whole family goes without phones, such as during family meals or weekend activities. This can encourage more face-to-face interactions and help reduce dependency on devices.
- Promote offline activities: encourage your child to participate in hobbies and activities that do not involve screens, such as sports, reading, or art.
If mobile phone addiction seems to be significantly impacting your child’s well-being, consider seeking support from a professional. Access your local GP or consider using Kids Helpline, as they offer confidential counselling for young people and their families. Contact Kids Helpline.
Warren Lorger
Leader of Wellbeing—Behaviour
Music News
“To sing is to pray twice.” St Augustine
SAPSS Music Ensembles success at the Queensland Catholic Schools Music Festival!
61 students from St. Joseph’s Regional College and MacKillop College participated under the St. Agnes Parish Secondary Schools banner in the Queensland Catholic Schools Music Festival at Villanova College Brisbane across the weekend (16–18 August).
Spearheaded by the exceptional musical leadership of Sarah Butler, Mark Spence, and Chris Trotman, the SAPSS concert band, jazz band, drumlines, and senior percussion ensemble all performed at the festival. In addition, the concert band and jazz band performed a short but well-received concert at St. Joseph’s Primary School in Tweed Heads en route to the festival on Friday, 16.
Arriving in Brisbane early in the evening on Friday provided students with an opportunity to attend the Queensland Conservatorium of Music Concerto Festival staged at ABC Brisbane (Southbank) in the rehearsal studio for the Queensland Symphony Orchestra. This amazing concert provided students with an insight into classical music performance at the tertiary level and provided access to a live music scenario that many had never experienced before. The concert featured a range of music styles with soloists accompanied by a full symphony orchestra comprised of students from the conservatorium of music—what an experience!
The schedule was full on Saturday, with both junior and senior drummers performing at the festival in the morning, followed by the jazz band and percussion ensemble in the afternoon and evening. In between these performances, members of the concert band visited the Queensland Conservatorium of Music at Southbank and sat in on a number of ensemble rehearsals that included woodwind, brass, and percussion. This was a unique behind-the-scenes experience, allowing students to get a feel for what it is like to study ensemble music at the conservatorium. In addition, students visited the main concert hall and witnessed the bump-in process for an upcoming Puccini opera to be staged at the conservatorium. Here, they were able to gain insight into the music courses available for study at the university and how to access more information.
The concert band performed at the festival on Sunday morning, and there was an opportunity to enjoy some other school rock bands performing on the outdoor stage before making our way back down the highway to Port Macquarie.
While the trip moved at a frenetic pace, it provided students with amazing musical experiences and proved that the musical talents and skills of students within our St Agnes Parish Secondary Schools are up there with the best that Queensland Catholic Education has to offer.
Results at the festival...
- Drumline A division: St Agnes Parish Secondary Schools; Port Macquarie Vanguard; Gold Award
- Drumline B division: Gold Award
- Jazz Band 1A(1), St. Agnes Parish Secondary Schools, Jazz Band
- Percussion Ensemble 1B(3), St Agnes Parish Secondary Schools, Senior Percussion Ensemble: GOLD AWARD & SPECIAL RECOGNITION OF EXCELLENCE AWARD
TO LIAM DELANDEMARE (DRUMSET) - Concert Band 1B(4), St. Agnes Parish Secondary Schools, Concert Band, Silver Award
Thank you to Emily Young, Michelle Barn, Callum Pender-Buchan, Frank Johnston, Sarah Butler, and Mark Spence for the support you provided our students in attending this event. Also, a special mention to Chris Trotman, who has been directing the jazz band in rehearsal but was unable to attend.
Photos and Video Links
- Awards: Sam, Tom, and Dom
- Conservatorium of Music: Rehearsal Tour
- SAPSS Colour Guard
- SAPSS Ensembles at Villanova
- SAPSS Jazz Band, on stage
- SAPSS Jazz Band performance video
- SAPSS JNR Drumline
- SAPSS SNR Drumline and Colour Guard
- SAPSS Concert Band, on stage
The Friday Sing
Sing with a mate, sing with your class, sing with your PC, sing at home, sing with family, sing to God, sing to relax, sing for fun, sing as prayer, or just listen for a little inspiration. Enjoy!
Happy Day - Jesus Culture
Ensemble Rehearsal Timetable: Term 3
Time | Venue | Director | |
Concert Band | Monday Day 1, 7.45am - 8.40am | J16 Music Room | Cara Stewart |
Pop Choir | Tuesday, Day 2, 7.45am - 8.40am | Theatre | Sam Adams |
SAPSS Junior Drumline | Tuesday, Day 2, 3.30pm - 5.30pm | College Hall | Mark Spence |
Junior Percussion | Wednesday, Day 3, 7.45am - 8.40am | J16 Music Room | Mark Spence |
Collective | Wednesday, Day 3, 7.45am - 8.40am | Chapel | Rob Denham |
SAPSS Senior Drumline | Wednesday, Day 3, 3.30pm - 5.30pm | College Hall | Mark Spence |
Senior Percussion | Thursday, Day 4, 7.45am - 8.40am | J16 Music Room | Mark Spence |
String Ensemble | Friday, Day 5, 7.45am - 8.40am | J14 Music Room | Michaeli Witney |
Uniform Expectations
Please note that all student performers at MacKillop, either soloists or ensembles, are no longer required to purchase a performing ensemble shirt. Students are to adhere to the uniform expectations outlined in the document attached below.
Music Performance Uniform Expectations Information Letter
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Rob Denham (leader of co-curricular music).
Links & Forms
Please contact Mr Denham with any questions relating to the co-curricular music program at MacKillop College.
Upcoming Events
- Assembly (Mackillop College Hall) Wednesday September 4, Period 1 and 2, Pop Choir, Collective Praise Band & Singers
- Junior Music Recital (Mackillop College, Theatre) Thursday September 5 - 6.00pm - 7.30pm selected ensemble and soloists.
- Year 8 Mass (MacKillop College Hall) Friday 13 September, Period 1 and 2, Collective Praise Band & Singers.
- HSC Music Exam (MacKillop College, Theatre) Wednesday 18 September, L2 - 5.00pm, op Choir and Stage Band.
- YEAR 12 CEREMONY OF EXCELLENCE (MacKillop College, Theatre) Wednesday 25 September, L1, period 3 + 4, Pop Choir and Concert Band.
Please get in touch with Mr Denham with any questions relating to the co-curricular music program at MacKillop College.
Robert Denham
Leader of Co-Curricular Music
Sport News
Representative Sport Reports
NSW All Schools Touch Football
After six round games, the MacKillop team finished with three wins and three losses. The first round was against Westfield Sports High School. After both teams scored early in the game, Westfields came away with a 4-1 win. Tilly Sinclair, Janaye Singh, and Arliah Morris used their speed well and were very dangerous in the link position. Game 2, and the girls lifted the energy against Kinross Wolaroi. and got up with a 4-3 win. Milla Swain, Darcie Gleeson, Claire Morris, and Gemira Fernando led the team well and scored some well-structured tries. Unfortunately, the girls went down narrowly in their next two games against Tomaree High School and Stella Maris.
MacKillop had two games to go and was determined to finish well and give it their absolute all. In our best defensive game, the girls had a convincing 6-0 win against Armidale Secondary College. Wingers Ella Oliver, Autumn Curtis, and Inala Gibbs were outstanding.
The final game was against St. Joseph's Aberdeen. This team had similar results in the round games to MacKillop, so the girls knew it would be a tough 20 minutes. After scoring two quick tries, the girls lifted their confidence and finished with a 4-2 win. Lane Jordan and Charlee Lawlor held their positions in attack, created space, and defensively shut down Aberdeen. Players player was awarded to Autumn Curtis. Autumn played in the true spirit of the game and was a vital part of our team. The MacKillop girls played with great team spirit and represented the college with pride. Thank you to Jamie Cartwright for being a fantastic manager and to Mr. Sinclair for driving us safely to and from Sydney.
Anna Gleeson (Coach)

Girls Soccer: Quarter Final Trifecta!
Last week, two of our three girls soccer teams reached the quarterfinals of their respective statewide competitions, following on from the success of the junior girls team, which made the NSWCCC quarterfinal earlier in the term. To have all three MacKillop College girls soccer teams make the quarterfinals this year is a testament to the level of skill, ability, and passion our girls possess. This is how the road to the quarterfinals played out for each team.
Bill Turner Trophy Girls
- Game 1: Bye
- Game 2: St. Paul's Kempsey 2-1
- Game 3: Defeated SCAS 3-1
- Game 4: Great Lakes Tuncurry 2-0
- Game 5: Defeated St. Bede's Chisholm 3-0
- Game 6: Defeated Mereweather 5-2
- Quarter Final: Northern NSW 2-0 loss to John Paul College
The girls played exceptionally well against a shell-shocked Mereweather, with the girls dominating in both attack and defence.
Congratulations to the following players who received the three star points:
- 3: Ziva Balkin
- 2: Daisy Pees
- 1: Gracie Huxley
Unfortunately, the girls could not find the back of the net in the quarterfinal, with St. John Paul College, Coffs, winning 2-0.
Congratulations to the following players who received the three star points for this match.
- 3: Ziva Balkin
- 2: Charlotte Taylor
- 1: Hannah Gresswell
Special congratulations to Ziva Balkin, who was unanimously voted Player of the Year by her peers.
Ziva is an exceptional centre-back who has an excellent read on the play, is calm under pressure, and has a fantastic ability to despatch the ball away from our tackling. Adding to this, Ziva is a great leader of the team and deserves this recognition. Well done, Ziva!
Erin Denham (Coach)

NSWCCC Open Girls
The Open Girls played three matches in the Lismore Diocese Southern Gala Day, winning all three games.
They then went on to play the winner of the Northern Gala Day, Xavier Catholic College. The girls came away with a win, being crowned Diocesan Champions. The team continued to progress in the competition, playing the winner of the Armidale Diocese. The girls notched up an impressive 16-nil win. Now down to the pointy end of the competition, the girls played All Saints, Maitland, in the quarterfinal for a berth in the semifinal. The opposition came out firing, with several shots on goal early. Grace Davies was equal to the task, keeping the opposition scoreless. Our girls kept toiling away through the middle, with Abby Buttsworth capitalising on a penalty goal to go into halftime 1-1. The girls knew this was not enough to keep All Saints out of the game. The opposition scored 10 minutes into the second half, with the score remaining locked at 1 all until the last minute of the game, with Maitland scoring at the death. It was very fitting that Grace Davies and Chelsea Gallagher were able to play their last ever school soccer game on home soil. While we didn't get the result we were after, the girls should hold their heads high, as we are especially proud of their efforts to get to this stage of the competition. The scoreline could have been very different if it weren't for Chelsea, Kyla, Daisy, Freya, and Ziva preventing the opposition from scoring on countless opportunities.
Congratulations to our captains, Chelsea Gallagher and Grace Davies, on being named MVP. Two exceptional soccer players and leaders. A special mention goes to Grace in goals, who has not long returned from a broken shoulder. You are by far one of the best goalkeepers our school and region have ever seen. Your read-on-play, fierce competitiveness, and bravery to intercept every ball demonstrate exceptional skill and tenacity. Girls, it has been super fun this year coaching you. We hope that you have grown, developed, and enjoyed representing the college so far in your respective competitions.Proud is an understatement. Well done! We are MacKillop.
Thank you to Lucy Sales and Anna Gleeson for their assistance with both teams and to our maintenance team, who have set up the field for us several times in recent weeks.
Erin Denham (Coach)

NSWCCC Catholic Cup: Rugby League U15 Girls
Last week, our Under 15 Girls Rugby League (13 girls from Years 7-9) travelled to Sydney to compete in the inaugural NSWCCC Rugby League Catholic Cup.
In our first game, we came up against Red Bend Catholic College, and the girls were right in it until the end and went down 16-10. Our next opponent was Magdalene Catholic College, and the girls went down in a really tight game, 18-14. Based on our positive for and against and other results, it meant the girls were successful in making the semi-finals. They were leading the semi-final 10-0 at halftime but were very unlucky and went down 14-10 again to Red Bend College.
The girls are to be congratulated on the way they conducted themselves throughout their time away. It was a pleasure to take this group away to Sydney, and overall, it was a very rewarding experience both on and off the field.
MVP of the tournament went to Frankie Healey (Year 7) and Darcie Gleeson (Year 9).

MacKillop College Events and Registration
All registrations for MacKillop College sports teams are completed by students by logging into the school Moodle page. Go to the Student Links tab on the left-hand side and click on the Representative Sports Registrations link. Click on the relevant sport and fill out the Google form.
Students will be notified through the morning notices of when to sign up and when trials will occur.
The following sports are open to all boys and girls in each sport to register for trials:
- Boys and Girls Cricket
Log in to Moodle. Scroll to the student links on the left-hand side. Click on the Representative Sport link to register. Please read the daily notices over the next week for trial dates and times.
If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Denham.
Click on this link to register: MacKillop College Representative Sport Registration Link.
Sport | Event | Date |
Rugby 7s | Girls Rugby 7s - U14 & U16s PMQ | 30 August |
Rugby Union | Rugby 7s State Finals Sydney | 17 & 18 September |
Rugby League | Harry Wells Rugby League | 19 September |
Year 12 Sports Awards | Week 7 College Assembly | 4 September |
Year 12 Sport Awards | Week 7 College Assembly | 4 September |
Lismore Diocesan Events
Sport | Event | Date of event |
Athletics | Diocesan Athletics Championships Coffs Harbour | 2 September |
NSWCCC & NSW All Schools Events and Registration
All individual sports registrations are completed on the CSNSW.SPORT website. The parent must have an account and add their child to have access. (Sport Registration HELP available on sport info page) SEE BELOW sports open for registration.
For further information, go to the CSNSW Sport website Sport pages. https://csnsw.sport
Students MUST be registered for the event with parent and Principal or Leader of Sport approval.
Registration is through the CSNSW.sport portal. Details on how to register – Guide For Parents – Sport Registrations >>.
Please note all close dates are firm dates. No registrations will be permitted after the close dates.
Sport | Event & /Location | Date of event |
Athletics | NSWCCC Athletics Sydney | 16 September |
Community Sport
It is great to see our students ‘kicking goals’ both at school and at a community level in all things sports. Congratulations to Freycin Hostettler (Year 11), who recently won the AFL North Coast Best and Fairest for the Under-16 Division.
This is great recognition for Freycin, who loves his AFL. Well done.

Surf Lifesaving
Congratulations to Ewan McAllister in Year 9, who recently attended the NSW Surf Life Saving Awards of Excellence held in Sydney.
Ewan was nominated for awards representing both his local surf clubs and the Mid North Coast Branch and was nominated for Youth Surf Lifesaver of the year from Tacking Point SLSC.
This is a great accolade to be nominated for such a prestigious award, and it is fantastic to see our students so involved in sports at a community level.

If your child has achieved outstanding sporting results in their community sport, we would love to hear about it. Please email myself, or your child’s respective Leader of Pastoral Care, so we can acknowledge these achievements.
If you have any questions regarding sport at MacKillop College, please do not hesitate to contact me either by email or phone at the College.
Erin Denham
Leader of Sport
Canteen Update
Monday September 2 | Paul Atkins & Kate Perkins |
Tuesday September 3 | Judy Ryan & Michael Richards |
Wednesday September 4 | Peta Clancy |
Thursday September 5 | Renae Maher & Lisa Hogan |
Friday September 6 | Kelly Dingle & Vicki Hamlyn |
Monday September 9 | Vanessa Aird & Michael Richards |
Tuesday September 10 | Julie Tipper, Jenny Murray & Chris Pees |
Wednesday September 11 | Danielle Sen Gupta & Roz Brockhurst |
Thursday September 12 | Jo Sexton & Chris Jourdant |
Friday September 13 | Caroline Horan & Leanne Hatherly |
To order from the canteen:
1. Orders can be written out at the canteen (bags supplied free of charge).
2. Orders can be written out at home and handed in at the canteen.
3. Download the Qkr! app and order online.
Attention all QKR users!
Cut-off time is 8.00 am.
Any orders placed after 8.00 am default to the following day. It is very time-consuming for canteen staff to have to check all late orders every day and then contact parents about their order.
If you make a mistake, please call the office or send your child to the canteen.
There have also been new gluten-free items added to the menu.
Canteen Help Needed
The canteen is desperately seeking volunteers for one hour per month. No cooking, cleaning or stocking is needed, just serving our lovely students. Even if you can only do one half-hour shift it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you to all of our current volunteers, we appreciate your help.
Sign up and receive a Welcome Pack (coffee voucher, chocolates, voucher for your child to use at the canteen).
Please contact Maxine at the College 6583 2632 or via email at maxine.stone@lism.catholic.edu.au
Homework Hub
Maths Tutorials
Friday 7.45am-8.30am
Room 12 Main College with Elizabeth Robertson

Community News