Term 4, Week 8, 1 December 2023
Upcoming Events
Week 9 Term 4 | |
Monday 4 December | |
Tuesday 5 December | |
Wednesday 6 December | 9:15am-10:45am Co-curricular Awards |
Thursday 7 December | |
Friday 8 December | First Nations Cyber Safety |
Week 10 Term 4 | |
Monday 11 December | 9:15am-10:45am Years 7-11 Major Academic, Spirit and Service Awards |
Tuesday 12 December | |
Wednesday 13 December | Student and Staff Christmas Mass |
Thursday 14 December | HSC results released |
Friday 15 December | 9am Year 10 Awards - College Hall |
Principal's Update
The season of Advent
The Advent season is a time of preparation that directs our hearts and minds to Christ’s second coming at the end of time and to the anniversary of Our Lord’s birth on Christmas. From the earliest days of the Church, people have been fascinated by Jesus’ promise to come back. But the scripture readings during Advent tell us not to waste our time with predictions. Advent is not about speculation. Our Advent readings call us to be alert and ready, not weighted down and distracted by the cares of this world (Lk 21:34-36). Like Lent, the liturgical colour for Advent is purple, since both are seasons that prepare us for great feast days. Advent also includes an element of penance in the sense of preparing, quieting, and disciplining our hearts for the full joy of Christmas.
The colour of Advent is purple, and devotions during Advent include the Advent wreath and candles.
Here you can find the Catholic School Parent Assembly Advent Guide. A beautiful simple prayer and activity for each Sunday of Advent to help you and your family prepare for Christmas.
HSC Shape Exhibition Selection
Congratulations to HSC student, Noah Thick, who has had his Industrial Technology Major Project selected for inclusion in next year’s Shape Exhibition.
The Shape Exhibition, which is coordinated by the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA), features a selection of students’ exemplary 2023 HSC major projects from across the state in the fields of Design and Technology, Industrial Technology and Textiles and Design.
Congratulations to Noah on this fantastic achievement.
Chinese whispers
Last week I had a student ask me “Are you really leaving in Term 1 next year Mrs Eichmann”. That, I can assure you, is a definite NO. I am however taking some Long Service Leave from 5 February until 12 April for a little bit of self-care, to do some travel with my husband, and to spend some much-needed time with my aging (and forgetful) mum. This means I will be here for the commencement of the 2024 school year. During my leave, Mrs Christine Harmer will very capably be filling the role of Acting Principal, and Mr Adam Kelly will be returning as Assistant Principal; Learning and Teaching, having been seconded to the CSO for the last 2.5 years.
Finish Strong
Last week I spoke to all students and staff about finishing the year strong. A reminder to all parents and students that as we head into the final 15 days of school, attendance is compulsory. It is expected throughout these three weeks, and all year, that all students have 90% or higher attendance.
Most important is attendance at our College Christmas Mass and Awards Ceremonies, as these occasions represent our catholic tradition, our culture and the recognition of others. I thank both parents and students for ensuring attendance over the next three weeks.
End of Year Celebrations - Please join us
As mentioned above our End of Year Celebrations are a highlight for our community. As valued members of our MacKillop family, and partners in ensuring the best education for our young people, parents are invited and encouraged to attend our end of year events.
Early finish Monday 4 December
Please note on Monday 4 December school will be finishing early at 2:40pm due to a required staff meeting. There will be supervision for those students catching buses or waiting for parents to collect. Students who walk or ride home may leave at 2:40pm.
Cath Eichmann
Emergency Management Planning
The safety of our students, families and staff is our highest priority. In order to best ensure this, the MacKillop College leadership and staff, supported by the Catholic Schools Office, plan for a number of possible incidents, emergencies or natural disasters that could take place at school or during the school term. The events of recent years have reinforced how important this planning is and we all have a role to play when it comes to emergency management, including families.
Our students participate in various safety drills and staff participate through training and safety drills. We’d like to share with you the role of parents and families in emergency management.
School Lockdown
A number of the situations we plan for include a school lockdown as one of the immediate safety actions to ensure the safety of our students and staff. We understand that some may understand the word ‘lockdown’ to mean there is an immediate safety risk to all students. It is important to understand that when a school initiates a lockdown this may not be the case.
Depending on the situation, the purpose of a school lockdown will differ. A school lockdown may be a preparation step for an evacuation, or a school lockdown may allow emergency services access to an area of the school without having to navigate past students. Regardless of the purpose of a school lockdown, no one can be admitted to the school grounds other than emergency services.
Should we initiate a school lockdown, parents and families will be informed via text message and [insert name of app] notification. We will also inform parents and families as soon as the school lockdown has been lifted or if there are any actions required of parents and families. It is important that you do not attempt to attend the school during a school lockdown. We understand that you may be concerned however attending the school may also add risk to a possible emergency situation, block emergency services or impede an evacuation.
Natural Disaster
In the event of a natural disaster, such as flood or bushfire, the school leadership, supported by the Catholic Schools Office, will determine if it is safe for the school to open. If there is a probability the school may have to close part way through the day, the school will not open for that day as it is extremely difficult to evacuate a school site and ensure all students are able to go directly home safely.
In a bush fire or flood event it is important that parents and families have a plan to get your child/ren home from school, or into your care, at short notice. Please be aware that school buses may not be running and the school can not allow your child/ren to go home to an empty house or home with another parent without your permission.
Family Preparedness
How can you help us prepare for emergency situations? Please ensure that:
- You have downloaded [app] and have allowed notifications.
- Any changes to your contact details or custodial arrangements have been updated with the school.
- [for schools in bush fire or flood prone regions] You have a bush fire/flood plan in place that all members of your family understand.
- In the event of a school lockdown or evacuation, directions in the parent notifications are
It is always our hope that these measures will never be needed but it is also our responsibility to ensure our school community is prepared and informed should the need arise. We thank you in advance for your support and cooperation.
Cath Eichmann and Nigel McIntyre, Work Health and Safety Manager, Catholic Schools Office
Assistant Principal - Mission
Christmas hampers - We need your help
Giving is emphasised in the Christian faith because God is a God of abundance. He demonstrates this through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross to allow Christians to experience the fullness of life. As His children, we are called to imitate him. Our generosity in giving to others is a response to what he has done for us.
Not only does Jesus command Christians to love others (John 13:34-35) but to give to people in need “Give to those who ask, and don’t turn away from those who want to borrow” (Matthew 5:42). Contributing to the Christmas hampers is one small way students and families can grow as a Christian and live Jesus’ example of how to love others. PCs have been busy collecting items and money to create Christmas hampers for Mackillop Families who have been identified as needing a little extra love and support leading into Christmas.
We ask that each student contribute to the hamper by bringing in a food item from the list their PC teacher has, along with $5 OR $10 and PC teachers will sort the shopping. Please send your donation to school with your child, no later than Monday the 4th of December, students can give the donations to their PC teacher. The hampers are prepared with love and say to families, we see you and care for you.
Christmas Gifting
If you are looking for a Christmas gift that changes lives, Caritas Australia sells Global gifts, it is more than just a card, it is an opportunity for you to make a lasting difference to people experiencing the challenges of Poverty. Cards can be purchased from the following website https://www.caritas.org.au/global-gifts/how-it-works/
Additionally, the Catholic Mission have available Life Giving Gifts that support mission projects around the world. The money raised makes a lasting impact for Children, families and communities most in need. Life Giving Gifts can be found at the following website.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education
Did you know…
- Port Macquarie is situated in the Birpai Nation
- The traditional name for Port Macquarie is Guruk
- Gathang is the local language of Biripi Country
- There are 7 totems that represent the Biripi nation
Sarina and Monique have been working hard organising a number of programs and activities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. Students have enjoyed First Nations Cyber Safety, lunchtime art activities and dance groups.
Goori Action Plans and Conversations for Year 10 commenced this week (Week 8), parents and students are invited to participate in conversations with Indigenous Education Workers and Jo Pilgrim (Careers Advisor) as students map their road to success for their studies in 2024 and beyond. Plans will be provided to parents once they are finalised.
Tutors for 2024, are currently being finalised, students and parents have been approached to see how we can best support the learning needs of students.
St Agnes Parish - Advent
The first Sunday of Advent will be December 3rd. Advent is a four-week season in the Church calendar, it is a time of preparation and anticipation for the arrival or “advent” of Jesus, the long-awaited Messiah. Christians celebrate this time with reflections on hope, peace, love and joy. Several Prayer groups will be running in the Parish.
- Mondays 7.00pm beginning 27 November
- Wednesdays 10.00am and 10.45am (two groups) beginning 29 November
- Thursdays 2.45pm and 7.00pm (two groups) beginning 30 November
If you would like to be part of one of these Advent Prayer groups, please get in touch with the Pastoral Office at 6583 1024 or pastoraloffice@stagnesparish.org.au.
Ecumenical Soup Kitchen
Throughout this term, 3 or 4 students from the Year 9 Youth Ministry class have been arriving at 6:40 am each Tuesday morning to help out at the Ecumenical Soup Kitchen. The students have been assisting by buttering bread, setting tables and setting out food donated, that the friends will take home to stock their pantries for the week.
It is such a blessing for our students to be able to be part of this beautiful community service, run by Sr Majorie and her band of helpers.
Year 6 Transition Day - Assisted by our Year 9 Youth Ministry Class
On Friday 24th November our Year 9 Youth Ministry class went along to the Youth Hub to help out with the Hastings Cluster Year 6 Transition Day.
Our students worked with small groups of students who will be attending MacKillop next year. After a beautiful Mass in the St Agnes Church, our students had fun leading the Year 6 students in games and team-building activities.
A huge thanks to their generosity in helping out on the day.
Jodie Rich
Acting Assistant Principal - Mission
Assistant Principal - Pastoral
One Talk at a Time
The National Office for Child Safety recently launched 'One Talk at a Time,' a national awareness-raising and behavioural change campaign on child sexual abuse.
One Talk at a Time aims to protect children and young people from sexual abuse by helping adults understand that child sexual abuse is preventable and encouraging them to have ongoing, proactive, preventative conversations with children, young people and other adults in their lives.
Please visit the above link to find out more about One Talk at a Time.
Jennifer Campbell
Assistant Principal - Pastoral
Maths in Trade Day
Earlier this term a group of students had the opportunity to visit Newman Senior Technical College to participate in our Maths in Trade Day. This is the second year running this event and was a great success thanks to the efforts of Newman's teaching staff of Wendy Schumann and Joe Ryan.
This year the mathematical focus was on fractions and ratios. The students completed a theory component and discussed how this concept transfers to various occupations such as mechanics, painters and chefs. The Newman staff were impressed by the student’s knowledge and skills in working with ratios and fractions.
The practical application of the day allowed the students to utilise their mathematical skills in Newman’s commercial kitchen to make both shortbread and pizza dough from scratch by measuring and dividing various amounts of the ingredients to mix and create. The final step was to top the pizzas with their favourite toppings and enjoy their creation at lunchtime.
To conclude the day the group were given a tour of the Newman facilities to see what opportunities are available to them should they consider this as a future educational pathway. The group had many questions and learned a lot about the various study pathways at Newman Senior Technical College.
Thank you to Gabbi Ashe for her preparation and assistance on the day. This is such a great event to support our students and also to build a strong partnership between our schools.
Warren Lorger
Leader of Wellbeing - Behaviour Support
Lost Property
We have a large number of items in Lost Property including drink bottles, pencil cases, shoe, towels and a sleeping bag. If you recognise any items in the image below please collect from the trolley located outside the junior office. We also have some electrical items such as headphones and watches and various jewellery items. If you have lost one of these please come into the office and ask as they are not in the trolley. Any unclaimed items will be donated at the end of the year so make sure to collect them before the last day of school.
Year 7
Congratulations to the following students who have received a Gold Principal’s Award: Ruby Cramp, Mark Temple and Evie Thomson.
Congratulations to the following students who have received a Silver Principal Award: Mikayla Adams, Mira Arnold, Sarah Chamberlain, Sonnie Chippendale, Grace Collins, William Coombes, Olivia Edmund, Shuo Fang, Kajus Horan Juzenas, Tahlia Kapila, Ingrid Maher, Blake Mitchell, Amelie Obeid, Xavier Pye, Kye Randall and Tahlia Thompson.
Congratulations to the following students who have received a Leader of Pastoral Care Award: Mikayla Adams, Samrina Adhikari, James Allen, Evelyn Archibald, Mira Arnold, Liam Ayres, Milana Baker, Kayla Bayer (x2), Samuel Brazel, Siena Button, Lola Caruso, Leila Castles, Sarah Chamberlin, Sonnie Chippendale, Grace Collins, William Coombes, Ruby Cramp, Harry Creighton (x2), Tyler Dickson, Olivia Edmund (x2), Shuo Fang, Thomas Fiene, Jack Franklin, Iestyn Gallagher, Joshua Goldie, Joshua Gray, Maddyx Gray, Bianca Harrison, Harrison Healey, Leela Hill, Evelyn Hope, Kajus Horan Juzenas, James Hunt, Tia Judge, Talia Kapila, Tobi Lawler, Gene Lucas, Ingrid Maher, Isla McNeil, Lillie Merrell, Blake Mitchell, Abby Moloney, Grace Morris, Taylor Munday, Charlotte Newman, Amelie Obeid, Eamon O'Sullivan, Maya Pryce-Boylan, Xavier Pye, Kye Randall, Xavier Reichelt, Chloe Ribot de Bressac, Jake Riches, Tobias Rowlatt, Liam Ryals, Jakob Schmidt, Nikki Seears, Tom Sharman, Annalise Southwell, Lenny Spitzer, Mark Temple, Tahlia Thompson, Evie Thomson (x2), Eli Tink, Troy Towers, Zoe Townsend and Ella Walker.
Adam O’Brien
Year 7 Leader of Pastoral Care
Year 8
As Year 8 continue to complete their Stage 4 courses, it is important students continue to maximise the learning opportunities offered during the school day; apply themselves in the classroom, complete evidence of learning to the best of their ability, and maintain positive relationships with staff and peers founded on respect.
I call on carers to reinforce to their son or daughter the importance of maintaining high standards of presentation, preparation for class, and behaviour. We want them to ‘finish strong” and be the best version of themselves.
Extended PC
Last week during Extended PC, the cohort embraced the opportunity ‘to connect’. Many students took the opportunity to express gratitude to others whose support has impacted them positively by writing ‘thank you’ cards, as well as engaging in a trivia competition and games in the spirit of fun. PC classrooms were filled with laughter and smiling faces. It was such a pleasure to walk around to each group and share their happiness and appreciation - how lucky we are to be a part of the MacKillop community!
Christmas Hampers
Thank you to all our Year 8 families for supporting your child’s donation to their PC Christmas hamper as part of the St Agnes' Christmas Hamper Collection. These hampers are offered to families of St Agnes' Parish who have experienced difficulties over the past year, such as poor health, a death in the family, financial hardship or other stressful circumstances.
To give freely and generously to others is truly one of the greatest virtues we can teach our young people; as we know, a sign of good character is not what we have, but what we give away.
Donations to the Christmas Hampers are welcomed up to Monday, 4 December when they will then be wrapped and prepared for distribution in the parish community.
Congratulations to the following students who have received a Silver Principal Award: Blaze Colthrope, Madeline Innes, Milly Platt, Keegan Pope, Hayley Rickard, Albie Watson.
Congratulations to the following students who have received a Leader of Pastoral Care Award: Diarmuid Barltrop, Meela Castle, Hunter Clark, William Clark, James Cockshutt, Blaze Colthorpe, Hamish Conaghan, Allie Donohoe, Patrick Green, Caitlyn Hucker, Eli Hudson, Madeline Innes, Rhys Kendal, Sophie Kirkpatrick, Tori McGrath, Sharlotte Meani, Lucas Merrick, Jessica Moore, Oliver Munro, Ally Newton, Neha Philip, Milly Platt, Keegan Pope, Hayley Rickard, Alex Saunders, Nate Sheldon, Ashleigh Strong, Marley Thick, Jude Vasilescu, Nyah Villagran-Eichmann, Albie Watson, Addison Williams, Daniel Zhong, Mia Zvirzdinas
Nicole O’Connell
Year 8 Leader of Pastoral Care
Year 9
As we approach the final stretch of this academic year, I want to remind our students and families to keep the momentum going. Beyond wrapping up assessments, let's maintain the high standards in uniform, attendance, and behaviour that define our school community.
While the hustle of completed assessments is settling, our teachers continue to bring engaging lessons to the classroom. The last weeks are not a wind-down but an opportunity to enrich our academic journey.
On 24 November 23, I had the pleasure of joining our students at Newman Technical College for the Skills Challenge Day and Trades Expo. The tour showcased impressive facilities, sparking thoughts about future career paths among our students.
Newman Senior Technical College offers a glimpse into the exciting possibilities that lie ahead. For those considering careers in these fields, the visit was a valuable moment of inspiration.
Congratulations to the following students who have received a Silver Principal’s Award: Alexandra Bransdon, Harrison Foster, Jackson Mayne and Kye Smith.
Congratulations to the following students who have received a Leader of Pastoral Care Award: Daniel Allen, Riley Bates, Alexandra Bransdon, Owen Clarke, Oscar Conway, Amelia Dowd, Roxy-Skye Eyles, Poppy Finch, Harrison Foster, Lenni Gosling, Charlee Lawlor, Jackson Mayne, Mitchell McGuinness, Ruby Menin, Daniel Mercer, Jamie Merrick, Matthew Mizzi, Zsofia Rohr, Jake Ryan, Oliver Shuttleworth, Kye Smith, Briella Sutherland, Aaron Walsh, Mason White, Estelle Williams and Mitchell Yates.
As we wrap up another academic year, let's keep fostering an environment of excellence, curiosity, and ambition. The groundwork laid throughout the year is the foundation for our students' futures. Together, let's make these final weeks a celebration of the journey we've had as a learning community.
Wishing you a productive and fulfilling conclusion to the academic year.
Tom Salter
Year 9 Leader of Pastoral Care
Year 10
The second last day of the year for Year 10 is Thursday 14 December. We will be celebrating with a day at Pilot Beach, Dunbogan, to allow the Year 10s to celebrate and have some fun together. This compulsory day is an opportunity for students to come together as a group, one last time, to enjoy the activities run by Endless Summer Surf School. Students will be able to choose from a variety of activities on the day which will include: stand-up paddleboard, kayaking, mega boards, floating fun equipment and beach games.
The day is one where students can use the various equipment at their leisure and enjoy a great opportunity to chill out, relax with friends and just have fun after a long school year rewarding them for their hard work.
We will provide a sausage sizzle for lunch on the day but students will need to bring their own morning tea as there are no canteen or shop facilities available. Please double-check the Compass events portal for more detailed information about the day but a reminder that all students are required to wear rash shirts and shorts on the day as per our College Policy.
We look forward to farewelling those students who are moving to Newman and other ventures in our final assemblies, award ceremonies and the Year 10 Beach Day in the final week of term.
Congratulations to the following students who have received a Leader of Pastoral Care Award: Jenna Bryan, Adam Bryant, Arjuna Devine, Matteo Donati, Reuben Eichorn, Harry Hudson, Ethan Maher, Olivia McGahon, Cara McIlroy, Molly McKee, Eva Philip, Kahdia Radley, Isabella Swanson, Alexander Toth, Tom Turner, Tyra Turuva, Sarah Wilmot and Bindi Zimmermann.
Daniel O’Dell
Year 10 Leader of Pastoral Care
Year 11
Year 11 are completing their first set of HSC assessment tasks over the next week. I wish them luck and hope that all the systems that they have in place, all the habits and effort ensure success
Recently, our PC class rivalry showed its face again in our Christmas decorating competition. The Judge was treated to an amazing set of classrooms that had been transformed to buzz with Christmas spirit. We had a wonderful and fun morning, mainly due to every person doing their bit to make it a happy and friendly atmosphere. Thank you to everyone in Year 11 and all the PC team for the singing, dancing, baking and decorating you did to make this awesome.
Congratulations to Harmony Mitchell who has received a Silver Principal’s Award.
Congratulations to the following students who have received a Leader of Pastoral Care Award: Grace Davies, Lara Inman, Harmony Mitchell, Tara Mitchell, Alira Neale, Jack O’Connell, Caitlyn Pares and Sienna Taylor.
Bruce Smith
Year 11 Leader of Pastoral Care
Music News
MacKillop College Music News
“Music, great music, relaxes the mind, awakens profound sentiments and is, as it were, a natural invitation to raise one’s mind and heart to God in every situation of human existence, both joyful and sad. Music can become prayer.” Pope Benedict XVI
The Voice: Musical Theatre Song Contest
Congratulations to the following students who were nominated as finalists at the annual Voice” A musical theatre song contest performance night held on Thursday 23rd November.
Georgia Ryan, Jiya Jamu and Alira Neale
Will Ferguson
Eva Philip
Molly Bridle and Bindi Zimmermann
Charlotte Newman and Annabelle Ashton
Matisse Hazelton-Kelly and Lillie Merrell
The overall winner voted for on the night was Molly Bridle and Bindi Zimmermann with runners-up Matisse Hazelton-Kelly and Lillie Merrell.
In addition, by lodging monetary votes the audience raised $450.00 for the college Mary MacKillop Fund. This will be used to support St Patrick’s School, Brewarrina and St Thomas’, Lautoka, Fiji.
Congratulations to all involved. The evening was a wonderful night of charity and celebrating the wonderful talents of vocalists within our school community - including a very entertaining staff item!
Advent Lo-Fi Hip-Hop Competition
Congratulations to Ethan Bakic - winner of the student Advent Lo-Fi Hip-Hop Competition! You can listen to Ethan’s entry below. These chilled beats can be used for prayer and reflection during Advent.
The Staff competition winner is Mr Zachary Horne
Ascension by Ethan Bakic
Advent Lo-Fi by Mr Zachary Horne
Thank you to all entrants. Some incredible beat mashing and compositions were entered. I look forward to next year’s competition!
Music Ensemble Sign Up Form 2023
Music Ensemble Shirt Order Form 2023
Music Tuition Request Form 2023
Instrument Rental Agreement 2023
Please contact Mr Denham with any questions relating to the co-curricular music program at MacKillop College.
Upcoming Events
Youth and Family Mass
- (St Agnes Church) Week 8 - Sunday, December 3, 5:00pm, Collective Praise Band & Singers
Co-curricular Awards Ceremony (music, dance, drama)
- (College Hall) Week 9 - Wednesday, December 6, period 1, Concert Band.
MacKillop College Christmas Mass
- (College Hall) Week 10 - Wednesday, December 13, period 1, Pop Choir, Collective Praise Band & Singers
MacKillop College Major Awards Assembly
- (College Hall) Week 10 - Monday, December 11, period 1, Senior Percussion Ensemble & HSC soloist
St Agnes Catholic Parish Christmas Eve Family Mass
- (College Hall) Sunday, December 24, 6:00pm, Collective Praise Band & Singers
Robert Denham
Leader of Co-Curricular Music
Sport Update
Students who did not complete their proficiency swim in Week 7 in preparation for the Surf Survival Course in Term 1, Year 9 2023 will catch this up during Sport in Week 9. Students are required to complete the following prerequisites before commencing any water activities in the ocean;
- A two-minute survival float
- A 200m swim without stopping using either freestyle or breaststroke. You cannot swim doggy paddle.
Students are required to bring a towel, swimmers, rash shirt and shorts for their Sport lessons in Week 9
Downie Trophy Cricket
Open Boys Team
In round 3 of the Downie Shield competition, MacKillop College's open boys' cricket team demonstrated both competitiveness and respect, securing a convincing victory against St Joseph's Lochinvar. Opting to bowl first, MacKillop showcased their bowling skill by dismissing Lochinvar for 82 runs. George Worner and Vaughan Munro played pivotal roles, each claiming four wickets. MacKillop's batsmen, led by Harley Cottom and Vaughan Munro, efficiently chased down the target in just 18 overs, securing an 8-wicket triumph. With this impressive performance, MacKillop College advances to the quarter-finals scheduled in the upcoming two weeks.
Tom Germon (Coach)
Water Polo
The Senior boys and girls teams travelled to Alstonville last week to compete in the Diocesan Water Polo Championships. The students had a wonderful time, exploring Byron Bay on the Wednesday night staying at the YHA for the night as well as celebrating a special birthday for one of the team.
The competition was fierce with many of the northern schools participating in local weekly water polo competitions. The girls worked well as a team making it to the semi-finals which was a wonderful achievement given their inexperience. The MVP for the day was Chelsea Gallagher. The boys played with intensity and spirit, however, were not clinical enough in their games to get the win, going down narrowly in each match. They improved with every game and they were deservedly proud of their efforts. The MVP for the day in the boys was the tireless Charlie Ford, with an honourable mention to Fynn Slade who recovered from the first game to reveal a talent for goalkeeping.
Tracey Bewicke and Angus Crowley - Coaches
Junior Girls
The U/15 girls' water polo team had a blast on a beautiful spring day at the Alstonville Pool on Thursday 9 November. This was the first time the girls had ever played water polo and they were raring to go at the beginning of the day.
Our first game was against an experienced Xavier College team. The girls went down 5-0 and were happy to get their first-game nerves out of the way. Charlotte McEntyre had a cracker go-in goals, saving our score line from being much higher.
The second game saw the girls find great connection up the wing and through the centre with Charlotte Weatherly and Arliah Morris holding strong in our defence. An impressive goal by Tori McGrath after great passes up the side by Ella Oliver and Charlotte McEntyre. Trinity College won 3-1 and the girls had their confidence boosted.
Our final game for the day was against St John Paul College, another experienced team. The score of 7-2 did not reflect the teamwork and cohesion the girls showed. Charlotte McEntyre rounded out her day with 2 goals. Meredith Davies played up front to assist Charlotte’s goals. Charlotte Weatherly saved many a relentless attack from the opposition, stopping goals all over the place.
Ruby Merritt, Bianca Harrison, Kenzie Trimmer and Lily Rowlatt gave every position a go - playing up front, on the wing and in defence. A good initiation to the water polo world. We look forward to seeing you all back next year! Well done girls.
Rachel Clark - Coach
Junior Boys
The Mackillop College Junior Water Polo team made their debut in a recent tournament, featuring promising players such as Lucas Maher, Manni McGrath, Mark Temple, Lenny Spitzer, Rocky Mann, Oliver Laundry, Jack McGrath, Owen Hilkemeijer, and Riley Garel. Despite a close loss in their opening game against St Joseph's College Banora Point, the team demonstrated resilience in a physically intense second game against St John Paul College Coffs, narrowly losing again. In their final game against Trinity Catholic College Lismore, MacKillop focused on a defensive strategy but fell short as Trinity secured late goals, resulting in the team missing the playoff games. Despite the outcomes, the boys displayed great effort, and the experience gained will undoubtedly strengthen and prepare them for future competitions. The MacKillop Junior Water Polo team remains optimistic for the upcoming year.
MVP - Jack McGrath
Rhys Jones - Coach
Representative Sport, Upcoming Events and Registration
All registrations for MacKillop College Representative Sport teams are completed by;
- Logging into the school Moodle page (Chrome browser).
- Click on the Student Links tab on the left-hand side
- Click on the Representative Sports registration link
- Click on the relevant sport and fill out the google form.
Students will be notified through the morning notices of when to sign up and when trials will occur.
Click on this link to register. Sports currently open for registration are;
MacKillop College Events
Sport | Event | Date |
CSNSW Awards | NSW CSNSW Sports Blue Awards Sydney | 4 December |
Awards | MacKillop College Co-Curricular Awards | 6 December |
League Tag, Touch | Koori Cup at St Joseph’s Regional | 8 December |
Lismore Diocesan Events
The following sports are currently open for students to be able to sign up to or register their interest to trial. These sports have been advertised to students through morning notices over the past week.
Please click on this link to register for individual sports. The sports below are trialled for at a school level.
Sport | Event | Date |
Touch Football | Lismore Diocesan Individual Selections | Registrations are open for 2024 |
The Lismore Diocese will be holding trials for 15 Boys, 15 Girls, Open Boys & Open Girls Touch Teams on Tuesday 27 February in Sawtell. The start time of these trials is 9am. To nominate for these teams, please fill out the form below. Students will then be selected to trial for each squad and a team will be chosen at the trials.
Diocesan Teams will compete at the NSWCCC Touch Football Selection Trials at Tuggerah, Central Coast, on the 9 & 10 April (tournament also doubles as the NSWCCC Diocesan Championships).
The closing date for nominations is Friday 9 February 2024. Students selected to trial will be published on the Lismore Diocesan Sport Website.
*The cost of the trial will be $12 plus any applicable travel costs to be paid to your school's coordinator upon selection to trial. Your school's sports coordinator will provide information to you regarding the total cost of the excursion if you are selected to trial. ** PLEASE NOTE: IN NOMINATING FOR THESE TRIALS, YOU ARE COMMITTING TO TRAVEL TO THE TUGGERAH, CENTRAL COAST IF SELECTED. THIS WILL REQUIRE PRIVATE TRANSPORT TO THE VENUE AT THE ATHLETE'S EXPENSE.
Fill in the nomination form here
NSWCCC & NSW All Schools Events and Registration
Students MUST be registered for the event with parent and Principal or Leader of Sport approval.
Registration is through the CSNSW.sport portal. Details on how to register – Guide For Parents – Sport Registrations >>
Please note that the NSWCCC Sport registrations for individual nominations for 2023 selections are open for the following trials.
Sport | Event | Date |
No more NSWCCC Events for registration in 2023 | ||
For further information, go to the CSNSW Sport website Sport pages. https://csnsw.sport/
Community Sport
Rugby Union
Last weekend 3 of our students had the privilege of representing their sport and diverse culture by playing Rugby Union at the NSW Pasifica Youth Cup in Sydney. The competition included teams from Samoa, Tonga, Cook Islands, Fiji, Koori and Maori heritage.
These talented young men trialled and were successful in being awarded a position in teams that represented their own family heritage. Congratulations to Sam Young, who represented Samoa, the eventual winners of the Cup. Luke Jones and Darwin Tink played for the Barbarians team which welcomed young men from all cultures and nations. Luke Jones' talents allowed him to play at an age above his usual level whilst Darwin Tink came away with the 'Best Forward' award for his team. All 3 students played brilliantly and were a credit to their school and the Hastings Valley Vikings Rugby Union Club.
Congratulations boys, such an incredible experience to be involved with. Well done.
NSW State Tennis
Last weekend, Noah Pociask was successful in winning the U16 boys competition at the NSW Champion of Champions State Tennis Titles. Noah has been doing exceptionally well this year and is to be congratulated on not only taking this title out, but also playing up an age bracket for which he sought special permission.
We look forward to seeing Noah, Luke, Sam and Darwin all pursue their love of Tennis and Rugby Union well into 2024.
If your child has achieved outstanding sporting results in their community sport, we would love to hear about it. Please email myself, or your child’s respective Leader of Pastoral Care, so we can acknowledge these achievements.
If you have any questions regarding sport at MacKillop College, please do not hesitate to contact me either by email or phone at the College.
Erin Denham
Leader of Sport
Canteen Update
To all QKR users please be vigilant when ordering. Cut off time is 8am. Orders placed after 8am are processed for the following day. QKR app will be closed for ordering from 13 December 2023.
Many orders are placed for the wrong day ensuing valuable serving time is lost looking for the order.
If your child is not at school and has ordered online please contact the school to cancel the order.
A reminder that the Senior Canteen will remain closed over Term 4.
Monday 4 December
Kate Perkins & Paul Atkins
Tuesday 5 December
No helpers needed
Wednesday 6 December
Peta Clancy
Thursday 7 December
Renae Maher
Friday 8 December
Leanne Hatherly & Carolyn Horam
Monday 11 December - Friday 15 December
No helpers needed this week
To order from the canteen:
1. Orders can be written out at the canteen (bags supplied free of charge).
2. Orders can be written out at home and handed in at the canteen.
3. Download the Qkr! app and order online.
All orders are to be in by 8.00 am, please.
Please ensure when ordering online that your child year group is correct
There is hot food available over the counter to purchase, however, to avoid disappointment it is best to order.
Please remind your child/children if you have ordered for them, and what their order is.
If your child is sick and you have ordered, please phone the canteen (6583 2632) to arrange credit.
Please note to change your child's year group when using the QKR! app to order lunch for 2022.
Now available: Gluten-free pies $5.00 and gluten-free sausage rolls $4.00; these items must be ordered.
Canteen Help Needed
The canteen is desperately seeking volunteers for one hour per month. No cooking, cleaning or stocking is needed, just serving our lovely students. Even if you can only do one half-hour shift it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you to all of our current volunteers, we appreciate your help.
Sign up and receive a Welcome Pack (coffee voucher, chocolates, voucher for your child to use at the canteen).
Please contact Maxine at the College 6583 2632 or via email at maxine.stone@lism.catholic.edu.au
Maths Tutorials
Tuesday 7.45am-8.30am and Friday 7.45am-8.30am
Room 12 Main College with Elizabeth Robertson