Term 1, Week 6, 10 March
Principal's Update
NSW School Vaccinations
Assistant Principal - Pastoral
Assistant Principal - Learning and Teaching
Wellbeing Update
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
A4 Art Prize
Year 10
Year 11
Year 11 Hospitality Update
Year 12
Upcoming Webinar
Careers Corner
Creative Arts
Music News
Sport Update
Canteen Update
Ride the Wave Festival
Homework Hubs
Maths Tutorials
Principal's Update
Parent Partnerships:
I am looking forward to meeting with parents of Year 7, 11 and 12 students next Monday evening at our Learning Conversations. These evenings are one of the most important events on the school calendar for supporting our young people and their learning. Much research shows that the more parents are involved, the more successful our students are. We will also be providing a BBQ to allow parents to chat with College leadership and meet other parents.
Bookings for the interviews close today at 5:00pm.
Student Success and Opportunities: Academic Enrichment
Last week we had the wonderful opportunity at assembly to hear of the successes and involvement of students across a range of academic, sporting and cultural activities in just the first month of school. It was an extremely uplifting assembly that filled me with pride of the wonderful ‘have a go’ attitude and desire to work hard and get involved, as well as the amazing generosity of our awesome staff who provide these opportunities above and beyond their working day.
Congratulations to our Chess players who won Round 1 of the Country Chess Championships.
We also heard from Mrs Palin, our College Enrichment Coordinator, about all the wonderful opportunities that are provided within the academic co-curricular and enrichment programs at the College. I encourage parents to discuss with your young person what areas they may be interested in getting more involved in throughout 2023. Below are just some of the academic enrichment opportunities. For further information students can check out the Enrichment noticeboard outside Room J47 or email Mrs Palin at mandy.palin@lism.catholic.edu.au

Cath Eichmann
NSW School Vaccinations
When: Tuesday and Wednesday 28 & 29 March, 2023
If your child is in Year 7 or Year 10 this year, you can now provide online consent for their routine school vaccinations.
In Year 7, students are offered free vaccines for diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (dTpa) and human papillomavirus (HPV). In Year 10, students are offered the meningococcal ACWY vaccine.
Vaccination will only be provided at school if consent has been received.
How to provide consent:
- To complete online consent for your child’s school vaccinations visit: https://nswhealth.service-now.com/school
- Click the login with ‘Service NSW Account’ button and log in using your Service NSW details. This is the same account you may already use to renew your driver’s licence. If you don’t have a Service NSW account, refer to Service NSW to create one.
- Update or confirm your personal details in Service NSW as required.
- Complete the School Vaccination Consent Form for your child/ren. You will need to:
- Enter your child’s personal details
- Provide the Medicare card details for you and your child
- Read the linked Parent Information Sheet and privacy statement
- Provide consent
If you or your child do not have a Medicare card, consent can still be provided by requesting a paper-based consent form directly from your child’s school.
Read a step-by-step guide on how to provide consent online. Translated guides are available in Arabic, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Vietnamese.
For more information on routine school vaccinations, please visit www.health.nsw.gov.au/schoolvaccination.
Translated information about school vaccination is available in 27 languages, please visit www.health.nsw.gov.au/immunisation/Pages/school_vaccination_language.aspx

Colours for Caritas - Out of Uniform Day
Monday, 13 March.
$2 gold coin donation.
Why do we have our Out of Uniform Day?
We want to raise money and awareness for our Project Compassion initiative. For more information visit https://www.caritas.org.au/

Be Justice for Tereesa

Strive for Justice for Laxmi

Create Justice fo Priscilla

Inspire Justice for Thu
We invite everyone to come in something colourful on Monday.

Marg Gobius
Leader of Evangelisation
Assistant Principal - Pastoral
Attendance Check In
MacKillop College values student attendance as it has been shown to have both academic and social benefits. Students who consistently attend school build their skills, develop a strong work ethic and achieve at higher levels. They also develop a strong sense of belonging, creating connections with peers to form and maintain friendships and engage more fully in opportunities offered. Students, families and the school have a shared responsibility to achieve regular attendance for every student.
In Week 7 we will conduct an Attendance Check across all year groups. The parameters and process for this check in are:
- minimum attendance expectation is 85%;
- we recognise and understand explained blocks of illness and/or leave;
- where we have concerns about attendance levels families will receive a letter outlining their child’s attendance;
- this letter aims to:
- assist in raising your awareness and help with decisions re future absences; and
- act as a prompt to establish further contact between home and school if support is needed to improve attendance.

Cyber Safety Information Session for Parents

Protecting children in their digital worlds is an ever-evolving task for Australian families. Now more than ever parents are looking for guidance in how to manage screen time and navigate the world of games and social media.
We are therefore pleased to help our parent community by offering a crucial and engaging session with ySafe, Australia's leading providor of cyber safety education. This practical, strategy-rich session will cover the most important points that all famalies need to know about online safety, covering key information about social media and gaming, screen time recommendations and step-by-step instructions on how to set up a cyber-safe home for children of all ages.
If you've ever struggled with getting your children off their games and into bed, worried about the content of the games that they are playing or felt concened that your child was spending too much time in the digital world, this workshop is for you!
This free workshop will be a one hour online session starting at 6:00pm on Tuesday, 28 March 2023. To book a spot at the virtual workshop and receive the login information please go to MacKillop Cyber Safety Parent Workshop
Jennifer Campbell
Assistant Principal, Pastoral
Assistant Principal - Learning and Teaching
Years 7, 11 and 12 Learning Conversations
On Monday, 13 March (Week 7) we will be holding a Learning Conversations evening in the College Hall on the junior site from 4:00pm-7:30pm for families with children in Years 7, 11 and 12. Whilst we do combine the Year groups, we have a different purpose for each.
Year 7 and Year 11 is designed to be a “meet and greet”. An opportunity for parents to put a face to the name of their child’s teachers and share any knowledge that they feel would strengthen our partnership. Teachers will focus on learning behaviours, not grades and outcomes.
Year 12 is an opportunity for parents to also meet their child’s teachers and receive a more comprehensive update on their child. As Year 12 are approaching a current period of assessment, teachers may not have the results of those tasks at the time of the learning conversation.
If these dates do not suit, or your child’s teacher is not available, I encourage you to make contact (phone or email) with your child’s teachers.
Daniel Blackman, Leader of Inclusion and Diversity will also be available if you wish to book an appointment. He can discuss any diagnosis your child may have and the options for in-class adjustments, intervention programs or co-curricular activities.
As per all conversations in relation to our students’ learning, we encourage your child to also attend the evening. These interviews are one part of the very important process of our students gaining the most from their schooling and provide an opportunity for parents and teachers to meet to ensure open and collaborative communication which assists students not only in their learning, but in their growth as young men and women.
In addition to class teachers, Jo Pilgrim, Leader of Career Transitions and Pathways will be available for Year 11 and 12 students via the booking system.
You can now book interviews at times that suit at www.schoolinterviews.com.au and follow these simple instructions.

Please ensure you provide your full name, and your child’s full name, when entering your details. Please note bookings will close on Friday, 10 March.
When you click finish, your interview timetable will be emailed to you automatically - check your junk mail folder if you do not receive your email immediately.
Interviews are strictly 5 minutes and spaces are limited. If you require more time, please contact teachers directly to make alternative arrangements.
Parents can change their interview bookings, any time prior to the closing date, by re-visiting the www.schoolinterviews.com.au website, and using the event code. Remember to use the same name and email address you used when you made your original booking.

Christine Harmer
Assistant Principal, Learning and Teaching
In Weeks 7 and 8 of this term all students in Years 7 and 9 will be sitting NAPLAN. These tests assess the literacy and numeracy skills your child is already learning at school. Teachers will ensure students are familiar with the format of the tests before the NAPLAN test window. It is important to remember that NAPLAN is not about passing or failing, but about assessing learning progress. The best approach for preparing your child for NAPLAN is to encourage your child to do the best they can on the day.
For your planning, and to ensure all students attend school and arrive on time, please see the times below for our tests:

Parents may choose to withdraw their child from NAPLAN tests, or your child may be exempt from NAPLAN tests if they have:
- significant disabilities that severely limit their capacity to participate in the tests; or
- a language background other than English and have recently arrived in Australia (less than a year before the tests).
Please contact Loretta North via email loretta.north@lism.catholic.edu.au if you wish to withdraw your child or Daniel Blackman daniel.blackman@lism.catholic.edu.au if your child requires disability provisions or is exempt by no later than 10 March, 2023.
Wellbeing Update
Connection and Belonging
MacKillop College staff took the opportunity during this week’s Staff Professional Development day to spend a considerable amount of time on the understanding and application of practices that strengthen connection and belonging within our community. This focused on connection and belonging within the classroom, with parents and in the staffroom.
Recent learnings from Adam Voigt’s restorative practices approach and the practical strategies introduced via Man Cave were utilised on the day. Staff engaged in activities that build connection and belonging by using tools like affective language, check in circles, shout out circles, restorative questions and relationships building strategies.
Research shows that there is a strong relationship between student belonging, academic achievement, social health, mental health and overall wellbeing. As teachers and parents we all are all encouraged to strengthen our connection with our students/children. Some simple ideas that can be used at both home and school include:
- teach and model empathy with your child. Empathy allows people to know they are cared for which makes people feel as though they belong;
- teach and model honesty, respect and positive conflict resolution;
- engage in extra-curricular activities with your child;
- share common interests;
- acknowledge their successes – even the small ones;
- give your child choices – even if they have displayed an undesirable behaviour. Give them choices on how they can make amends;
- make yourself available – give your child options on how they can ask for help; and
- look for opportunities to laugh with them.
Warren Lorger
Leader of Wellbeing - Behaviour Support
Year 7
As we continue to settle into the new school year, it's important that we take the time to reflect on our sense of belonging. Feeling like we belong is an essential aspect of our wellbeing, and it can have a significant impact on our academic and personal success.
A big thank you to our Year 12 Leader of Pastoral Care, Tracey Bewicke who has helped organise our Year 12 leaders, SRC and Sport Captains to run a PC volleyball tournament for Year 7 on Thursday’s during lunch time.
It is a great opportunity for students to work together as a team and build a sense of belonging within our PC groups and with our senior leaders. By working together and supporting each other, we can achieve great things together on and off the court.

The Year 7 Mass and Belonging day was a great success with students, their families and staff coming together to focus on the importance of ensuring that everyone in the cohort recognises and values every person’s need to belong. Students where immersed in a variety of activities on the grounds of St Agnes' Catholic Parish Church grounds with a focus on gaining a better understanding of the Church and the importance of being part of the St Agnes' Catholic Parish community.

Parents and carers will have received information and the permission note for the Year 7 Community Day, another fantastic opportunity for students and staff to broaden the connections with each other.
I encourage Year 7 to take advantage of all the upcoming events on offer to connect with each other, build stronger relationships and foster a sense of belonging for all.
Learning Conversations
Learning conversations on Monday, 13 March (Week 7) are an opportunity for parents to put a face to the name of their child’s teachers and share any knowledge that they feel would strengthen that partnership. If you are unable to get a meeting with your child’s teacher, I encourage you to make contact with them via phone or email.
NAPLAN is fast approaching in Weeks 7 and 8. In the lead up to the tests we would appreciate your support helping your child:
- completely shut down and restart their device the night before, to allow for any updates to take place on their device;
- bring their earphones to listen to the audio aspects of the tests (preferably corded, not wireless);
- fully charge their device and potentially bring a charger to top up power if needed.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me here at the school.
On Monday, 27 March Year 7 students will be attending an important one hour cyber safety education session delivered by Australia’s leading provider in this area - ySafe. The session will utilise case studies and scenarios to help students understand the common issues experienced in our ever increasing digital world. It will give students practical techniques to optimise online wellbeing, screen time and using technology for a balanced and healthy experience. The session will discuss the key themes of:
- Cyberbullying and online conflict
- Sexting and the law
- Online wellbeing
Protecting children in their digital worlds is an ever-evolving task for Australian educators and families. In conjunction with schools, parents are also looking for guidance in how to manage screen time and navigate the world of games and social media. In response to this need, and in addition to our student session, we are therefore pleased to help our parent community by offering a crucial and engaging one hour online education session with ySafe, Australia's leading provider of cyber safety education. To read more, and find out how you can register, please go to Jennifer Campbell's section in this week's newsletter.
Congratulations to the following students who have received a Leader of Pastoral Care Award: Liam Ayres, Ruby Cramp, Harry Creighton, Olivia Edmund, Joshua Goldie, Isaac Green, Bianca Harrison, Amelie Obeid, Jake Riches, Tahlia Thompson, Evie Thomas and Zoe Townsend.
Best wishes.
Adam O’Brien
Year 7 Leader of Pastoral Care
Year 8
#weConnect - Find happiness in making others happy
Our Year 8 theme requires every individual to place themselves ‘in the shoes of others’ and applies the Golden Rule (Matthew (7:12) of treating others the way they would like to be treated.
At MacKillop, we aim to teach and guide our students to develop emotional intelligence and empathy, to be used in the classroom, on the playground and in life. It is clear that many students are already on this path and, as a PC team, we strive to continue this journey with them.
Connecting in CLASS
It is wonderful to see students embrace this theme already in the classroom. I have the privilege of seeing Year 8 in action during their Tech and Elective studies and they have been hard at work over the past couple of weeks. Below are photos from the units including Timber Tech 'Pencil Box', Food Tech 'Paddock to Plate', Digital Tech 'MicroBit Mayhem' and Enterprise ‘The Commercial World’. Lots of fun and learning were showcased during these lessons. Well done Year 8.

Connecting with Community
We are into our season of LENT and as a community, we support Project Compassion.
Project Compassion is Caritas Australia’s main annual fundraising campaign. It mobilises Australians to raise much-needed funds to help alleviate poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity in the most vulnerable and marginalised communities in the world. Project Compassion is an extraordinary demonstration of the faith, empathy and generosity of its supporters.
Please encourage/challenge your child to add money to their PC Project Compassion box and there are boxes in the Canteen that they could add to as well. We urge students to keep an eye out for our Caritas fundraising efforts this term - how can we assist those less fortunate than us?
Connecting to PULSE
MacKillop is presently using a platform by Educator Impact called Pulse. Each week students are asked to “check-in” in terms of how they are feeling. They are prompted to respond in a number of areas of wellbeing and their responses are shared with their PC teacher and Pastoral Care team. To date, this has been useful as we are prompted, in a very confidential manner, to “check-in” with students and work together to achieve a healthy outcome for individuals and the cohort.
A final note: below are the findings from a longitudinal study of happiness published in the Vital Newsletter. I found it helpful as an evidence-based reminder of pathways to happiness and thought you may find it useful to seize moments to affirm or discuss the findings with your son or daughter.

Protecting children in their digital worlds is an ever-evolving task for Australian families. Now more than ever parents are looking for guidance in how to manage screen time and navigate the world of games and social media. We are therefore pleased to help our parent community by offering a crucial and engaging one hour online education session with ySafe, Australia’s leading provider of cyber safety education. To read more and find out how you can register please go to Jennifer Campbell’s section in this week’s newsletter.
Nicole O’Connell
Year 8 Leader of Pastoral Care
Year 9
Students have had a busy fortnight with assessment requirements building and Diocesan sports now becoming more prevalent. Last Friday, Year 9 students participated in the Like a Girl and Man Cave events where they completed activities and discussed important issues facing adolescents as they transition to adulthood. I was lucky enough to spend time with each of the groups and bear witness to some highly developed conversations and robust discussions between students and the facilitators of each day.
NAPLAN is also fast approaching with students sitting their first test on Wednesday, 15 March and concluding on Monday, 20 March. There will also be opportunities during Week 8 for students to catch-up any missed tests.
On Monday, 27 March Year 9 and 10 students will be attending an important one hour cyber safety education session delivered by Australia's leading provider in this area - ySafe. The session focuses on educating students to engage with technology in a healthy way, giving them proactive strategies for minimising the risk of harm from online activity. The session will also discuss the key themes of:
- Online conflict
- Respectful relationships
- Digital footprint
Protecting children in their digital worlds is an ever-evolving task for Australian educators and families. In conjunction with schools, parents are also looking for guidance in how to manage screen time and navigate the world of games and social media. In response to this need, and in addition to our student session, we are therefore pleased to help our parent community by offering a crucial and engaging one hour online education session with ySafe, Australia’s leading provider of cyber safety education. To read more and find out how you can register please go to Jennifer Campbell’s section in this week’s newsletter.
Dave Kennedy
Year 9 Leader of Pastoral Care
A4 Art Prize
The A4ART Prize 2023 is now open and more information can be found at artsnest.com.au regarding categories and prizes along with terms and conditions. Below are some links to videos of successful finalists from last years event:
Chat with MacKillop College staff member Tessa Stillman https://fb.watch/
Chat with MacKillop student Paige https://fb.watch/j5aHncR0Zk/
Chat with St Joseph's Regional College Student Heo https://fb.watch/j5aAimikPh/

Year 10
On Monday, 27 March Year 9 and 10 students will each be attending an important one hour cyber safety education session delivered by Australia's leading provider in this area - ySafe. The session focuses on educating students to engage with technology in a healthy way, giving them proactive strategies for minimising the risk of harm from online activity. The session will also discuss the key themes of:
- Online conflict
- Respectful relationships
- Digital footprint
Protecting children in their digital worlds is an ever-evolving task for Australian educators and families. In conjunction with schools, parents are also looking for guidance in how to manage screen time and navigate the world of games and social media. In response to this need, and in addition to our student session, we are therefore pleased to help our parent community by offering a crucial and engaging one hour online education session with ySafe, Australia’s leading provider of cyber safety education. To read more and find out how you can register please go to Jennifer Campbell’s section in this week’s newsletter.
Daniel O’Dell
Year 10 Leader of Pastoral Care
Year 11
The Courage to Study
I spoke with Year 11 this week about the courage required to study. When you first think about it, that seems a little ridiculous. You don’t need courage to read, take notes, summarise, write an essay or solve a mathematics equation, do you? Or do you?
Try solving this by finding the value of x.

Some parents will rush to try and solve this, some will ignore it and some will quiver with mathematics anxiety. Being brave when you’re good at something is pretty easy, being brave when you’re not, is very difficult.
Why do we need courage to study?
Because we are always taking a risk: we might be wrong, we might fail in front of people, we might fail our own expectations of ourselves, we might fail our family’s expectations. So, it’s much easier and much safer to be lazy, after all, if you don’t achieve a good result you’ve got something to blame, it’s not you, you just didn’t study.
A recent study by the University of Sydney found that helping students bring courage into their day-to-day school life can improve their learning, performance and engagement at school.
Our Year 11 students are all learners in a competitive HSC environment. Nothing they do is easy because it’s new, and designed to be challenging. And their fear of failure is real. With assessment tasks coming thick and fast, the pastoral team and I are asking them to step up, to take the challenge in their stride and find ways to be awesome. But really, for some of our students this is a frightening time.
Courage is necessary and a great skill to develop. The courage to study, to revise, to make time, to do your very best, especially when you have many pressures on you, is a wonderful character strength that will serve our students for their entire lives. We are just developing these skills now, and we won’t always get it right, but let’s be courageous.
PS: The mathematics question was taken from this week’s Year 11 Extension Mathematics assignment: FYI, the answer is: x= 1
Protecting children in their digital worlds is an ever-evolving task for Australian families. Now more than ever parents are looking for guidance in how to manage screen time and navigate the world of games and social media. We are therefore pleased to help our parent community by offering a crucial and engaging one hour online education session with ySafe, Australia’s leading provider of cyber safety education. To read more and find out how you can register please go to Jennifer Campbell’s section in this week’s newsletter.
Bruce Smith
Year 11 Leader of Pastoral Care
Year 11 Hospitality Update
This term, Year 11 Hospitality students began the work placement program in the St Agnes Food Services Production Kitchen. This is a mandatory part of the Hospitality course where students experience working in the hospitality industry and are able to practice skills while working alongside qualified chef’s.
Students assisted with the catering for the 260 plus meals/day for the Catholic Care of the Aged patrons, beginning their shifts at 7:00am and working each day until 3:00pm. This is a real achievement and students should be proud of themselves.
Henri Bannon, Jesse Judge and Bailey Pawlak should be commended for beginning the roster and putting their names down first without hesitation.

Thank you to the Food Services Manager and the Production Kitchen Chefs for providing our students with such an opportunity and looking after them so well. We are very lucky to have such a wonderful collaboration.
Georgina Pender
Hospitality Teacher and VET Coordinator
Year 12
Elevate Education Seminars
Last week Year 12 participated in two seminars by Elevate Education at the College. The first session was called “Study Sensei” which took the students through a variety of tips and techniques on how to use their study times most effectively, including writing study notes, reading over those notes straight away and the importance of continually working on past papers.
The second study session was called “Ace Your Exams” which involved looking at techniques students can use to do their personal best in Year 12 Assessment Tasks and the HSC Exams. All students completed workbooks full of great ideas to help them. Students have access to the elevateducation.com website which they can access at anytime.
With many subjects handing out Assessment Task Notifications at the moment, students may be starting to feel overwhelmed. Organisation, study timetables and consistent work are the key to success in Year 12. If your son/daughter would like some help with any of the above, Kim Porter and Amanda Gregory in the JMC Study Centre are available to sit down one on one and assist your young person.
Learning Conversations
A reminder our Year 12 Learning Conversations will take place next Monday afternoon in the College Hall (Junior Site) from 4:00pm-7:30pm. They will be a valuable opportunity to receive feedback on your young person’s progress in Year 12 and ask any questions or raise concerns with their classroom teacher.
Year 12 Graduation - Thursday 9 November 2023

The Year 12 Graduation has been booked for Thursday, 9 November 2023. Please note the change of day (Thursday) as Panthers Club will no longer be holding Graduations on Friday or Saturday nights.
Students will be required to arrive at the venue at 5:00pm on the night.
More information will follow in coming newsletters throughout the year.
Protecting children in their digital worlds is an ever-evolving task for Australian families. Now more than ever parents are looking for guidance in how to manage screen time and navigate the world of games and social media. We are therefore pleased to help our parent community by offering a crucial and engaging one hour online education session with ySafe, Australia’s leading provider of cyber safety education. To read more and find out how you can register please go to Jennifer Campbell’s section in this week’s newsletter.
Tracey Bewicke
Year 12 Leader of Pastoral Care
Upcoming Webinar
We’re excited to announce that Elevate Education's next free webinar will be taking place on Wednesday, 15 March focusing on Technology & Focus.
Elevate Education works with our students, delivering high impact workshops on study skills, motivation, wellbeing and exam preparation. By tuning into their webinar series you will learn how you can help better support your children at home through reinforcing the skills they learn at school:
Wednesday, 15 March at 6:30pm (AEDT) Using Technology and Beating Distractions
Click here to register for free
Here's what Elevate will be covering:
- Technology addiction and how to reduce technology dependence
- Practical strategies and apps to minimise procrastination
- How to help your child use technology productively to enhance their learning
Careers Corner
Year 10
Are you interested in learning more about game design? JMC will be holding a four day work experience program in May. For more information and application form, please go to https://www.jmcacademy.edu.au/
Please note this is not a school organised work experience, it will need to be done via JMC.
Creative Arts
Visual Arts - ArtHaus
Art is a tool to open up new questions and to think about the world; about what is wrong and what is beautiful. ArtHaus is here to help sharpen those skills by giving students the space to create. Every Thursday L1 and Friday L1&2, Mr Crowley and Miss Ryan will throw open the doors of S21 for students to make art, discuss art and think art, whether it be for class, an art competition or personal enrichment and mindfulness. Stay tuned for workshops later in the year.
ArtHaus - Every Thursday L1 and Friday L1&2 in S21. All welcome.

Last week Year 10, 11 and 12 Dance students engaged in a half day composition workshop with Cadi McCarthy, Artistic Director and founder of Catapult Choreographic Hub in Newcastle. Cadi has a wealth of experience in dance as a professional dancer, choreographer, educator and director. The Mackillop College Dance students were able to extend and explore their compositional skills and apply these to their own dance compositions. A fantastic opportunity for students to work with a professional in this field, the students found the workshop to be both fun and invaluable.

Co-curricular Dance
What a fabulous start to our Co-curricular Dance program in 2023. Both our Year 7 and 8-12 morning sessions are up and running and our dancers are learning plenty of dance skills and movement with our dance tutor Miss Ange.
Introducing Miss Ange (Angela Jamieson)
With over 15 years teaching experience and professionally trained in classical ballet, Angela has extensive knowledge of all styles and genres of dance. Angela trained at the Heinz Bosl Stiftung, Munich and was a dancer with the Deutsche Oper am Rhein Classical Ballet and Contemporary Dance Company in Dusseldorf. She was a top 20 finalist in the TV show So You Think You Can Dance, is an international speaker for Julie Kay Stallcup Mastermind, inspiring dance schools across the world, and currently is the Performance Manager for Port Macquarie Performing Arts School. Angela holds a Diploma in Classical Ballet and a Diploma of Classical Ballet Teaching. Miss Ange has been a tutor for the Mackillop College Co-curricular Dance program for the past 5 years and we love the energy, professional experience and teaching expertise she brings to the classroom. Angela is a nurturing and inspiring teacher who encourages our students to express themselves through dance.
If you would like to join the co-curricular dance program please refer to the session below:
Year 7 students only - Tuesday mornings starting at 7:45am in the dance studio
Year 8-12 students - Thursday mornings starting at 7:45am in the dance studio
Or contact Jamanda Eggert via email: jamanda.eggert@lism.catholic.edu.au
Competition Time
Click on the link to find out about competitions for secondary school students through the JMC Academy.
Creative Arts NEST
Don’t forget to get your A4Art into the NEST A4Art Prize 2023.
Want to be part of our Wakakirri Family in 2023? It’s not too late to join!! Come along to rehearsals on Tuesday afternoons in the dance studio from 3:20pm - 4:30pm
Wakakirri is for everyone.
The Wakakirri Story-Dance Festival is a national program that helps schools develop student engagement and wellbeing through participation in the performing arts. Schools participate by creating Story-Dances which they perform in live theatres in capital cities and selected regional areas around Australia.
Wakakirri is open to every school (primary, secondary, dance and community groups) and students with all levels of experience can participate. An emphasis is placed on creative movement and drama rather than technical dance. Emphasis is also placed on creative storytelling and sustainability, not expensive and extravagant productions. You can find out more about Wakakirri via this link:

Music - Encore 2023
On Monday, 27 February Year 11 and 12 music students set off at 7:00am bound for Sydney. We arrived at Central YHA and then headed to the Conservatorium of Music for a tour and workshop. Students learnt about the building itself - a beautiful contrast of excavation, preservation and innovation. Once the Governor's stables, the Verbruggen Hall is the main auditorium and home to a 1973 Pogson pipe organ. We saw some instruments that are hundreds of years old and some of the latest technical equipment for recording and producing digital audio. We learnt that the construction of some parts of the facility surround the train tunnel network and the vibrations can be felt in the studios.
The workshop was presented by composer Andrew Scott. He delivered an engaging and practical introductory course in composing for film, providing us with an understanding of scoring and orchestration and musical cliches.
Encore is a concert that showcases outstanding performances and compositions by students from schools across NSW, presented for the 2022 Higher School Certificate Music examinations. Starting at 7:00pm and concluding close to 10:00pm, we certainly got value for our money. Performances were diverse in instrumentation and genre, and every one was of a professional standard. Students noted the excellent sense of ensemble displayed and the performance technique demonstrated.
We enjoyed a gelato before catching the lightrail to the YHA for the night before returning on Tuesday.
Much thanks to Matt King for safely driving the bus and to Samantha Adams for organising the trip.

Music News
MacKillop College Music News
“Beautiful music is the art of the prophets that can calm the agitations of the soul; it is one of the most magnificent and delightful presents God has given us.”- Martin Luther
Links & Forms
Music Ensemble Sign Up Form 2023
Music Ensemble Shirt Order Form 2023
Music Tuition Request Form 2023
Co curricular Music Google Classroom
Please contact Mr Denham with any questions relating to the co-curricular music program at MacKillop College.
Upcoming Events
Youth & Family Mass
- Sunday 12 March - St Agnes' Catholic Parish Church, 4:15pm - 6:15pm. The Collective Praise Band & Singers
Year 10 Mass
- Friday 24 March - TBC. Selected Collective Praise Band & Singers
Assembly Performance
- Wednesday 29 March - College Hall, 8:15am (sound check). Period 1. Senior Percussion Ensemble
Easter Liturgy (Parish)
- Sunday 2 April - St Agnes' Catholic Parish Church, 3:00pm - 4:00pm. The Collective Praise Band & Singers
Youth & Family Mass
- Sunday 2 April - St Agnes' Catholic Parish Church, 4:15pm - 6:15pm. The Collective Praise Band & Singers
Easter Liturgy (College)
- Wednesday 5 April - College Hall, 8:15am (sound check) Period 1. The Collective Praise Band & Singers
Caritas Lunch Concert
- Wednesday 5 April - COLA , Lunch 1. Year 11 & 12 soloists, The Collective Praise Band & Singers, Senior percussion Ensemble, Junior Rhythm Section.
Robert Denham
Leader of Co-Curricular Music
Sport Update
MacKillop College Cross Country
The MacKillop College Cross Country is not a compulsory event and is for students that want to run competitively. This means that you must be, at the very least, attempting to run the entire distance.
Students MUST have nominated on the registration form located on the College Moodle page no later than Monday, 13 March at 9:00am.
The Cross County will take place on Tuesday, 14 March at the College during PC and Periods 1-3 for all students in Years 7-12 that have nominated. If we need to postpone the Carnival due to inclement weather, students will be notified via email.
Students that are running are to wear their sport uniform on Tuesday please. Students are permitted to change into appropriate running attire prior to their race. It is recommended that you bring a change of clothes and towel as the track can be muddy.
We would love to hear from any parent helpers that may be able to assist with time keeping and recording next Tuesday between 9:00am and 12:00pm.
Students are to meet Mrs Denham at the Junior Basketball Court according to the schedule below.
Year 9 and 10 students can attend their normal Sport session.
Race | Age | Time | Distance |
Race 1 | 18 Year Boys – 17 Year Boys | 9:20am | 6KM |
Race 2 | 18 Year Girls – 17 Year Girls | 9:40am | 4KM |
Race 3 | 14 Year Boys – 14 Year Girls | 10:00am | 3KM |
Race 4 | 13 Year Boys – 13 Year Girls | 10:20am | 3KM |
Race 5 | 12 Year Boys – 12 Year Girls | 10:40am | 3KM |
Race 6 | 15 Year Boys – 15 Year Girls | 11:00am | 3KM |
Race 7 | 16 Year Boys – 16 Year Girls | 11:20am | 4KM |

2KM Course

1.5KM Course
Year 7
Year 7 students continue to participate in their sport double once a fortnight at the pool completing their Swim and Survive course.
Year 8
Year 9
The majority of Year 9 students are adopting a positive attitude each week as they complete the Surf Survival competencies at the beach.
Please ensure your child has a towel, hat, rash shirt or singlet, swimmers and shorts (bike pants are acceptable) for their swimming lessons. If your child has a wetsuit it is recommended that the students bring this each week.
If your child cannot participate in sport, please provide a note to your child’s sport teacher providing a reason why your child cannot participate. This is to be handed to Mrs Denham during PC on or before Tuesday morning.
Year 10
Year 10 students continue elective sport for Week 7. A reminder that there is no sport during Week 8 as students will be enjoying themselves at Year 10 Retreat.
Representative Sport and Upcoming Events
MacKillop College Events and Registrations
All registrations for MacKillop College Representative Sport teams are completed by;
- Logging into the school Moodle page (Chrome browser).
- Click on the Student Links tab on the left hand side
- Click on the Representative Sports registrations link
- Click on the relevant sport and fill out the google form.
Students will be notified through the morning notices of when to sign up and when trials will occur.
Click on this link to register. Sports currently open for registration are;
- Cross Country
- Netball
- Futsal
- 11/12 Mixed Touch Football
- Rugby Union
- Open’s Football (Soccer)
Sport | Event | Date |
Cross Country | MacKillop College Cross Country | 14 March |
Lismore Diocesan Events and Registrations
The following sports are currently open for students to be able to sign up to or register their interest to trial. These sports have been advertised to students through morning notices over the past week.
Please click on the link below to register for the sports.
Sport | Event | Date of Event | Registration Closing Date |
Golf | Boys & Girls – Waratah | 14 March | 3 March |
AFL | Northern NSW AFL Trial - U15's Boys & Girls - Bateau Bay | 23 March | |
Water Polo | Boys & Girls – Ryde | 29 March | See below |
Swimming and Diving | Boys & Girls - SOPAC | 31 March | See below |
Touch Football | Boys & Girls – Wagga Wagga | 3-4 April | See below |
Swimming and Touch Football registrations are through the Diocesan/Association pathways.
For further information, go to the CSNSW Sport website Sport pages. https://csnsw.sport/
NSW All Schools - Events
The selection for these events are a result of the NSWCCC events.
Sport | Gender/Location | Date of event |
Tennis | Boys & Girls – Bathurst | 27-28 March |
Baseball | Boys | 28 March |
Volleyball | Boys & Girls | 6 April |
Representative Sport, Upcoming Events, Mackillop College Events And Registration
Diocesan Touch Football Trials
Congratulations to all of the students who trialled at the Lismore Diocesan Touch Football Trials held in Toormina recently. Once again our school had a large number of student selected and we wish them all the best as they travel to Wagga Wagga in Week 10 to play at the NSWCCC Touch Football Championships.
U15 Boys | U15 Girls | Open Boys | Open Girls |
Tobias Rowlatt | Darci Gleeson | Cooper Lorger | Charlee Bailey |
Cruz Lewis | Matilda Medlin | Billy Gleeson | Jenna Bryan |
Jesse Andrews | Milla Swain | Joe Carrick | Emily Prince |
Lachlan Walters | Claire Morris | ||
Jack Franklin | Tilly Sinclair | ||
Rafferty Gordon |
Thank you to Warren Lorger, Michelle Marino and Susie Coster for mentoring our students on the day.
Diocesan Winter Sports Trials
Congratulations to all of our students who trialled at the Lismore Diocesan Winter Sports Trials in Lismore this week. Our numbers were strong and as a result we had several students selected in the respective teams to go on to represent the Diocese at the Northern Country Rugby League Trials and the NSWCCC Open’s Football Championships.
U18 Girls Rugby League | U16 Boys Rugby League | U16 Girls Rugby League |
Tess McWilliams | Cruz Lewis | Arliah Morris |
Angele Field | Niah Evans | |
Penny Sprague |
Open Boys Football (Soccer) | Open Girls Football (Soccer) |
Mason Swain | Grace Davies |
Liam Mercer | Chelsea Gallagher |
Luke Hancock | Sophie Gallagher |

Thank you to Warren Lorger, Glen Littler and Susie Coster for managing and selecting on the day.

NSW All Schools Triathlon
Over February 23 and 24, the NSW All Schools Triathlon Champions were held at the Sydney International Regatta Centre in Perth. Thursday saw individual athletes compete and Friday was for the teams events.
Congratulations to Jasper Sumsky, Peter Duffy, Peter Field and James Cockshutt who all competed in the NSW All Schools Individual Triathlon in Penrith recently. Special mention to Jasper who placed 9th overall in the Senior Boys Individual Triathlon. Jasper has been competing since he was in Year 7 and this is a fitting result to finish in the top 10 in his final year. The junior boys had a great time and enjoyed the experience.
Three teams from MacKillop competed on the Friday. Our Junior Boys’ team, comprising Peter Duffy, James Cockshutt and Peter Field gained 11th overall and 2nd Catholic School.
In the intermediate division Xavier Dunn, Ethan Maher and Preston Davis gained 14th position and 6th Catholic School. In the Senior Girls’ division Sally Temple, Tia McGrath and Maeve Kinchington gained 13th position overall and 4th Catholic School.
Our students competed with great spirit and represented themselves and the College with honour.
Thank you to Jo Pilgrim for assisting with entries and Peter Murphy for travelling to Penrith to Manage our teams on Friday.
Diocesan Swimming Championships
A team of thirty-nine students traveled to Kempsey last Thursday to compete at the Diocesan Swimming Championships. The young people were a delight to take away for the day and approached their competition in a highly organised, disciplined and positive manner.
Congratulations to:
Bianca Harrison in the 12 Years Girls achieving a new diocesan record of 30.55 seconds in the 50m Freestyle. Bianca also won the points score to achieve Diocesan Age Champion: 1st 50m F/S, 1st 50m Fly, 3rd 200m F/S, 1st 50m Brs, 1st 100m F/S.
Alexander Cabral Barbosa who gained Runner Up to Age Champion in the 13 Years Boys: 4th 50 F/S, 2nd 50m Fly, 4th 100m Bk, 3rd 50m Brs, 3rd 100m F/S, 2nd 50m Bk, 4th 100m Fly.
Owen Hilkemeijer who gained Runner Up to Age Champion in the 15 Years Boys: 4th 50m Fly, 2nd 200m F/S, 2nd 100m Bk, 1st 400m F/S, 3rd 50m Bk, 4th 200m IM, 3rd 100m Fly, 4th 100m Brs.

Other significant placings:
William Coombs (12 Years) 4th 50 F/S, 3rd 100m F/S
William Locke (13Years) 4th 50m Fly, 2nd 50m Brs
Matilda Medlin (14 Years) 4th 50m Fly
Ben Hamel (17+ Years) 4th 50m Fly, 4th 100m F/S
Flynn Daly (14Years) 4th 50m Brs
Maeve Kinchington (16 Years) 2nd 50 m Brs, 3rd 100m Brs
Edward Coombs (16 Years) 4th 100m F/S
Charlie Ford (17+ Years) 3rd 100m Fly
Thank you to Zac Nancarrow, Tracy Knight, Peter Murphy and Susie Coster for managing and supporting our swimmers on the day.

Congratulations to Noah Pociask who recently played at the NSWCCC Tennis Selection Trials held in Sydney. There were over 150 entries with the top 64 players selected to attend.
Noah missed out on the final 16 by an extremely narrow margin. After being in a commanding position 5-3, 40-15 Noah unfortunately lost 10-8 in a super tie. Noah, we are very proud of your achievements and look forward to seeing you progress up the ranks over the years to come. Well done.
Community Sport
Congratulations to Owen Hilkemeijer. Owen has been selected to be part of the Youth Advisory Panel (YAP) with Swim NSW. He has attended their Youth leadership camp and attends zoom sessions for youth swimming development in regional NSW. Well done on this wonderful opportunity.
If your child has achieved outstanding sporting results in their community sport, we would love to hear about it. Please email myself, or your child’s respective Leader of Pastoral Care, so we can acknowledge these achievements.
If you have any questions regarding sport at MacKillop College, please do not hesitate to contact me either by email or phone at the College.
Erin Denham
Leader of Sport
Canteen Update
Monday 13 March
Vanessa Aird & Help please
Tuesday 14 March
Jenny Murray, Chris Pees & Julie Tipper
Wednesday 15 March
Sarah Dahlenberg & Bec Eakin
Thursday 16 March
Amanda Ayres & Chris Pees
Friday 17 March
Jane Keegan, Sam Harrison, Hannah Temple & Chris Brumby
Monday 20 March
Lunch 1 - Mayo Brumby & Help please
Lunch 2 Amanda Lorger & Trish Carr
Tuesday 21 March
Vanessa Wilson & Louise Moore
Wednesday 22 March
Jaci Zimmerman & Help please
Thursday 23 March
Sue Ryan & Tracey Reddie (Lunch 1)
Friday 24 March
Priscilla Turnbull, Jen Wickham & Mel Collins
To order from the canteen:
1. Orders can be written out at the canteen (bags supplied free of charge).
2. Orders can be written out at home and handed in at the canteen.
3. Download the Qkr! app and order online.
All orders to be in by 8:00am please.
There is hot food available over the counter to purchase, however to avoid disappointment it is best to order.
Please remind your child/children if you have ordered for them, and what their order is.
If your child is sick and you have ordered, please phone the canteen (6583 2632) to arrange a credit.
Please note to change your child's year group when using the QKR! app to order lunch for 2022.
Now available: Gluten free pies $5.00 and gluten free sausage rolls $4.00; these items must be ordered.
Canteen Help Needed
The canteen is desperately seeking volunteers for one hour per month. No cooking, cleaning or stocking needed, just serving our lovely students. Even if you can only do one half hour shift it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you to all of our current volunteers, we appreciate your help.
Sign up and receive a Welcome Pack (coffee voucher, chocolates, voucher for your child to use at the canteen).
Please contact Maxine at the College 6583 2632 or via email maxine.stone@lism.catholic.edu.au
Ride the Wave Festival
Homework Hubs

Maths Tutorials
Tuesday 7.45am-8.30am and Friday 7.45am-8.30am
Room 12 Main College with Elizabeth Robertson